Estanislao del Campo

Estanislao del Campo

Estanislao del Campo (February 7, 1834 - November 6, 1880) was an Argentine poet. Born in Buenos Aires to a unitarian family—the unitarians were a political party favoring a strong central government, rather than a federation—he fought in the battles of Cepeda and Pavón, defending Buenos Aires' rights.

He is best remembered for his 1866 satirical poem "Fausto" which describes the impressions of a gaucho who goes to see Charles Gounod's opera "Faust", believing the events really to be happening. He also published his "Collected Poems" in 1870

Estanislao Del Campo is also the name of a small cotton-producing town in Formosa Province, Argentina which lies about 135 km from the city of Formosa. Its total population is 4,055 according to the census of INDEC of 2001. Most of the population are very poor.

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