- Entandrophragma
name = "Entandrophragma"
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Sapindales
familia =Meliaceae
genus = "Entandrophragma"
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.|"Entandrophragma" is a genus of eleven species of
deciduous tree s in the mahogany familyMeliaceae , restricted to tropicalAfrica . At least some of the species attain large sizes, reaching 40-50 m tall, exceptionally 60 m, and 2 m in trunk diameter. The leaves are pinnate, with 5-9 pairs of leaflets, each leaflet 8-10 cm long with an acuminate tip. Theflower s are produced in looseinflorescence s, each flower small, with five yellowish petals about 2 mm long, and ten stamens. Thefruit is a five-valved capsule containing numerous wingedseed s.;Selected species:
*"Entandrophragma angolense" -Tiama
*"Entandrophragma candollei" -Kosipo
*"Entandrophragma cylindricum" -Sapeli orSapele
*"Entandrophragma utile" -Sipo or UtileUses
timber of a few species is well-known. These are traded under separate names and can be used more or less likemahogany , with that of "Entandrophragma cylindricum" perhaps closest to a mahogany-type wood.External links
;Tiama "Entandrophragma angolense"
* [http://www2.fpl.fs.fed.us/TechSheets/Chudnoff/African/new_html_docs/entand1new.html Wood properties]
* [http://delta-intkey.com/wood/en/www/melenang.htm Wood anatomy];Kosipo "Entandrophragma candollei"
* [http://www2.fpl.fs.fed.us/TechSheets/Chudnoff/African/new_html_docs/entand2new.html Wood properties]
* [http://delta-intkey.com/wood/en/www/melencan.htm Wood anatomy];Sapeli "Entandrophragma cylindricum"
* [http://www2.fpl.fs.fed.us/TechSheets/Chudnoff/African/new_html_docs/entand3new.html Wood properties]
* [http://delta-intkey.com/wood/en/www/melencyl.htm Wood anatomy];Sipo (Utile) "Entandrophragma utile"
* [http://www2.fpl.fs.fed.us/TechSheets/Chudnoff/African/htmlDocs_africa/Entandrophragmautile.html Wood properties]
* [http://delta-intkey.com/wood/en/www/melenuti.htm Wood anatomy]
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