
Origin Venezuela
Genres Pop
Alexander Gomes
Fabio Melannitto
Rawy Mattar
Jean Ducournau
Jose Luis Graterol
Marcos Causa

Uff! was the name of a Venezuelan boy band. Molded in the way that Menudo, Los Chicos and Los Chamos were, but with some members who physically resembled members of No Authority, The Backstreet Boys and Hanson, the group enjoyed wide popularity in Venezuela during the late 1990s.

The group first appeared on Venevision's show Sabado Sensacional, before a national audience, in 1998.

Uff! was composed of:[1] -Alexander Gomes - born 2 October 1985 in Caracas -Fabio Melannitto - born 3 February 1985 in Caracas -Rawy Mattar - born 14 August 1985 in Caracas -Jean Ducournau - born 9 December 1984 in Caracas -Jose Luis Graterol - born 27 September 1986 in Caracas -Marcos Causa - born 12 September 1986 in Caracas -luis ricardo - born 22 noviembre 1995 in mexico




  • Ya lo Ves (Now You See)


  1. Brujeria
  2. Creo en ti
  3. Ya lo ves
  4. Con él
  5. Una piedra en el zapato
  6. Viviendo sin ti
  7. Mira no
  8. Creo que te amo
  9. Tarde o temprano
  10. Si te vas
  11. Inolvidable
  12. You are the one
  • Uff!oria Latina (Latin Euphoria, Uff! used instead of Euph)


  1. Cada recuerdo
  2. Chicas
  3. Twist
  4. Arrivederci
  5. Como nadie
  6. Ángel del mal
  7. Dame
  8. Canción de amor
  9. Más que un sentimiento
  10. Tal vez
  11. Déjame entrar
  12. Agua salada
  13. De norte a sur
  • a 10 centimetros (to ten centimeters)


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