WSW may be:
*Wojskowa Służba Wewnętrzna , communist Poland totalitarian military service.
*Wall Street Webcasting (www.wsw.com)webcasts about 20,000 CEOs live annually around the world. Related to Wall Street Media (www.wsmco.com) which broadcasts free highlights of the WSW investment bank and CEO webcasts on MSN's Money website at http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-us&brand=money&tab=s219
*Wall Street Week , a business show that used to air on PBS
*West-South-West, a compass direction - seeBoxing the compass
*War§ow (open source first person shooter video game)
*West-Southwest, acompass point for "Boxing the compass "
*Wheelchair Sports Worldwide
*World Series Wrestling , aprofessional wrestling promotion
*World Stars of Wrestling , aprofessional wrestling promotion
*wsw is a type ofcomputer internet bookmark file
*Medical definition:Women who have sex with women (see [http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=25990] )
*Wo Shing Wo , a Triad gang
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