

Guarapuava is a city in the mid south of Paraná state in Brazil.

Guarapuava is located at 25°23'36" south and 51°27'19" west. The region is known as the centre of the state of Paraná, in the third plateau, also called of the Plateau of Guarapuava. Discovered by the Portuguese in 1770, and founded in 1810, the city's name comes from "tupy guarani" meaning "brave wolf" ("lobo bravo" in Portuguese).

The first families to settle in the city were formed through the Tropeiros, which came from Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. These families had their roots in Poland, Italy and Germany. The city's birthday is celebrated on December 9th, due to the beginning of colonisation between "Rio Coutinho" and "Rio Jordão", in the goodwill of "Nossa Senhora de Belém" in 1819.

The city is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Guarapuava.


In 2006, there were 68 state-run schools.

Until 2000, there was only one higher education institution (Unicentro). Since then, new ones have been established ("Faculdades Guarapuava", "Faculdade Guairacá" and "Faculdades Campo Real").

Twin Town

Through Municipal Law 14/1988, Guarapuava has been declarared Twin Town, or "Cidade Irmã" with Rastatt, a city in Germany.


*Altitude: 1.200 M over the ocean level
*Area: 3.115,329 Km2

*Distance to Paranaguá: 361 Km
*Distance to Curitiba: 258 Km


In summer the climate is pleasant, the highest temperature registered is 33ºC in February 1984, and the lowest is 6,8ºC in December 1982; the precipitations are formed principally by the warmth associated to humidity. In Winter the temperatures in some days are below 0ºC.

climate chart
source= [] IAPAR


Through statistics from IBGE in 2007 the quantity of population in Guarapuava is164.567 hab.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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