

Leonid may refer to:

*Leonids, a yearly prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle.

People with the name Leonid:
*Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982), political leader of the USSR from 1964 to 1982.
*Leonid Kravchuk, (b. 1934) a Ukrainian politician who was elected the first President of Ukraine in the country's first presidential elections in 1991.
*Leonid Kuchma, (b. 1938), the second President of Ukraine, serving 1994-2005.
*Leonid Kadeniuk (b. 1951), the first astronaut of independent Ukraine who flew on NASA's Columbia in 1997 as part of the international mission STS-87.
*Leonid the Magnificent, (Leonid Filatov, b. 1973) a Russian performance artist who became known nationwide after his appearances on "America's Got Talent".
*Leonid Stadnyk (b. 1971), a Ukrainian man named "world's tallest living man" by "Guiness World Records 2008.
*Leonid Moseyev (b. 1952), Soviet-Russian long-distance runner
*Leonid Stein (b. 1934) Soviet Grandmaster chess player from Ukraine who was among the world's top ten players in the 1960's.
*Leonid Pasternak (1862-1945), a Russian Impressionist painter.
*Leonid Sobinov (1872-1934), a Russian opera singer and the People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1923.
*Leonid Utyosov (Leyzer (Lazar) Vaysbeyn, or Weissbein) (1895-1982) a Russian jazz singer and comic actor, and People's Artist of the USSR in 1965.
*Leonid Kuravlyov, (b. 1936) a Russian actor and People's Artist of the RSFSR in 1976.
*Leonid Gaidai, (1923-1993) a popular Soviet comedy film director and People's Artist of the USSR in 1991.
*Leonid Filatov (1946-2003), a Russian actor, director, poet, and pamphleteer, who was People's Artist of Russia in 1996.
*Leonid Desyatnikov (b. 1955), a Russian opera and film composer.
*Leonid Feodorov (1879-1935), a bishop and Exarch for the Russian Catholic Church, and survivor of the GULAG.
*Leonid Rozhetskin, (b. 1966) an international financier and lawyer credited with bringing significant financial and legal advances to modern Russia.
*Leonid "Leo" Hurwicz (b. 1917), Regents’ Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at the University of Minnesota who shared the 2007 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on mechanism design.
*Leonid Gobyato (1875–1915), a Russian lieutenant-general and designer of the modern, man-portable mortar.
*Leonid Andreyev (or Andrejew) (1871-1919), a Russian playwright and short-story writer who led the Expressionist movement in the national literature.
*Leonid Reiman (or Reyman) (b. 1957), a Russian businessman and government official, currently Minister of Communications and Information Technologies of the Russian Federation.
*Leonid Kantorovich (1912–1986) a Soviet/Russian mathematician, economist, and only winner in USSR of the Nobel Prize in Economics (1975).

Fictional people named Leonid:
*Leonid, the protagonist in Alexander Bogdanov’s 1908 Russian science fiction novel, "Red Star".
*Leonid, the protagonist in in the Labyrinth trilogy of cyberpunk novels written in the late 1990's by Russian science fiction writer Sergey Lukyanenko ("Labyrinth of Reflections", "False Mirrors", and "Transparent Stained-Glass Windows").
*Leonid Gorbovsky, a character in Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's series of science fiction novels set in the Noon Universe written from the 1960's-1980's.

ee also

*Leonidas (disambiguation)
*Saint Leonidas (name given to several saintly martyrs).
*Alvis Leonides (British air-cooled radial piston aero-engine).

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