__NOTOC__ AOC may refer to:

* Aeronautical Operational Control, a group of applications used for communication of an aircraft with its airline or service partner pendants on the ground
* Air Officer Commanding, a title used to refer to air force officers holding certain command appointments
* Air Operations Center, United States Air Force command and control (C2) system
* Air Operator Certificate, a commercial transport license for airlines
* "Appellation d'origine contrôlée", a control certification for French wine and agricultural products
* AOC, the IATA airport code of Leipzig-Altenburg Airport
* Architect of the Capitol
* Articles of Confederation
* Age of Consent

* Adelaide Ornithologists Club, an exclusive Adelaide, South Australia based birding club
* Albanian Orthodox Church
* "Aliança Operário-Camponesa", or the Worker-Peasant Alliance, a front of the Communist Party of Portugal (Marxist-Leninist) of Eduíno Gomes
* Alliance of Civilizations, an organization associated with the UN
* Arts Orange County, an art council in California
* Association of Colleges, an educational agency in the United Kingdom
* Association of Old Crows, an organization in Alexandria, Virginia
* Australasian Ornithological Conference
* Australian Olympic Committee
* Army Ordnance Corps, the predecessor of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC) of the British Army
* Aon Corporation, an insurance corporation

* Autonomy-oriented computation
* Auxiliary Overhead Channel for bit-swapping in DSL
* "", an online action RPG video game, for the PC and Xbox 360
* "", a realtime strategy game

ee also

* AOC3, a human gene

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