

The Audrans were a family of French artists, natives of Paris and Lyons.

*Charles Audran I (1594-1674)
*Claude Audran I (1597-1677)
*Germain Audran (1631-1710), son of Charles I
*Claude Audran II (1639-1684), nephew of Charles I
*Gérard Audran (1640-1704), son of Charles I
*Claude Audran III (1658-1734), son of Germain
*Benoit Audran the Elder (1661-1721), nephew of Gérard
*Jean Audran (1667-1756), nephew of Gérard
*Louis Audran (1670-1712), son of Germain
*Benoit Audran the Younger (1698-1772), son of Benoit the Elder
*Prosper Gabriel Audran (1744-1819), grandson of Jean


*Edmond Audran (1842-1901), operette composer
*René Audran general, high officer at the French defense ministry, murdered 1985 by Action Directe
*Stéphane Audran (*1932), actress

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