Radikal Ungdom

Radikal Ungdom

Infobox Political youth organization
name_english = Radikal Ungdom

chairperson = Andreas Frost Steenberg
deputy = Anna Allerslev
treasurer =
colorcode = Blue
foundation = 1994 (originally: 1911)
headquarters = Ny Kongensgade 18, 5.tv.
1557 København V
ideology = Social Liberalism
international = IFLRY, LYMEC, NLRU
student =
mother_party = Det Radikale Venstre
website = http://www.radikalungdom.dk/

Radikal Ungdom af 1994 (Literally: Radical Youth of 1994, often "RU"), the youth wing of the Danish political party "Det Radikale Venstre". The first chapter was founded in Copenhagen in 1904 and the first national organization was founded in 1911. This organization was dissolved after the infamous DUF-scandals where several youth organizations swindled with their membership-numbers, having thousands of members simply taken from the phonebook, thereby acquiring more subsidies by the state. Due to the threat of bankruptcy and after having been convicted in court, the current organization was founded to replace it on April 30 1994.

"Note of terminology: The literal translation is not used. The organization is normally referred to simply as "RU" or the "Danish Social Liberal Youth"."

The historical ideological foundations for both "RU" and its mother party is the political philosophy of Social Liberalism. The use of the word "radikal" in the name ows thanks to liberal thinking from especially France (see Liberalism and radicalism in France) and the UK.

External links

* [http://www.radikalungdom.dk/ RU website]

ee also

* Det Radikale Venstre, Radikal Ungdom's mother party.
* Radical Party (France), equivalent party in France.
* Radicalism (historical) (radicalism as part of liberal political philosophy).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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