The Fédération Internationale Des Associations de Footballeurs Professionels, usually known by the abbreviation FIFPro, is a worldwide representative organization for professional football players. At the moment there are 42 national players associations who are member of FIFPro. The World XI team is also included on the video game FIFA series.

Brief history

On 15 December 1965 representatives of the French, Scottish, English, Italian and Dutch players' associations met in Paris, with the purpose of setting up an international federation for footballers.

The Board

Current: FIFPro Board

President: Gordon Taylor (PFA, England)

General-Secretary: Theo van Seggelen (VVCS, Netherlands)

Vice-presidents: Philippe Piat (UNFP, France), Leonardo Grosso (AIC, Italy), Gerardo G. Movilla (AFE, Spain), Jorge Dominguez (FAA, Argentina)

Secretary to the FIFPro board: Frederique Winia (Netherlands)


In 2005, FIFPro launched its inaugural "World XI Player Awards", "World Player of the Year" and "Young Player of the Year" awards.

World XI

The World XI are chosen by the footballers themselves from a list of candidates for each position. The list is generated by the awards committee itself.


External links

* [ FIFPro Official Website]
* [ FIFPro World XI Website]

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