Revolution (political group)

Revolution (political group)

Revolution, a revolutionary socialist youth organization, was founded in the UK by Workers Power, part of the League for the Fifth International. According to its statutes and manifesto it is organizationally independent from Workers Power, although there are disagreements about the degree of independence (independent members viewing it as subordinate to LFI [] , LFI arguing that since its international and national councils have sovereignty, it is independent). It has official sections in the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Austria and the Czech Republic.

It was formed in the mid 90's at the beginning of the anti-capitalist movement in Europe. Participation in the EuroMarches in Amsterdam and support for the Liverpool Dockers strike were amongst its first campaigns. Now the group participates strongly in the anti capitalist movement and anti war movements. It has raised the slogan for a Youth International to come out of the European Social Forum and World Social Forum bodies to unite the struggles of young people against globalization and imperialism.

In 2006, following a split in the League for the Fifth International, there was an international Revo conference where all documents had been decided on beforehand by the LFI leadership. The Australian section of Revolution was expelled following a resolution supported only by the LFI delegates. In response to this, independent members of Revolution, including the German, Czech and Swiss groups formed a tendency called "Independent Revolution" or iRevo [] . This tendency was expelled by the LFI but continues to be active as the independent youth organization REVOLUTION in four countries.

External links

Revolution - the LFI group
* [ World Revolution]
* [ Revolution Czech Republic]
* [ Revolution Germany]
* [ Revolution Austria]
* [ Revolution Sweden]
* [ Revolution UK]

Revolution - the independent group
* [ Revolution International]
* [ Revolution Czech Republic]
* [ Revolution Germany]
* [ Revolution Switzerland]
* [ Revolution Australia]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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