

:"Bučina is name of several locations in the Czech Republic."

The Buccina (also Bucina) is a brass instrument used in the ancient Roman army.

It was originally designed as a tube measuring some 11 to 12 feet in length, of narrow cylindrical bore, and played by means of a cup-shaped mouthpiece. The tube is bent round upon itself from the mouthpiece to the bell in the shape of a broad C and is strengthened by means of a bar across the curve, which the performer grasps while playing, in order to steady the instrument; the bell curves over his head or shoulder.

The buccina was used for the announcement of night watches and various other purposes in the camp.

The instrument is the ancestor of both the trumpet and the trombone. The German word for trombone, "Posaune", is linguistically derived from "Buccina".

In the final section of his orchestral work Pines of Rome ("The Pines of the Appian Way"), Respighi calls for six instruments of different ranges notated as "Buccine" (Italian plural), although he expected them to be played on modern saxhorns or flugelhorns.



External links

* [http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/secondary/SMIGRA*/Buccina.html Buccina] in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities.

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