Stefan G. Bucher

Stefan G. Bucher

Stefan G. Bucher (born 1973) is a writer, graphic designer and illustrator. He is the man behind the California design studio 344 Design [] .Sullivan, Jenny "Graphic Design America 3 - Portfolios From The Best And Brightest Design Firms From Across The United States" Worcester: Rockport Publishers, 2005]

He is the creator of the popular online animation series "Daily Monster" [] , For 100 days he filmed himself drawing a new monster every night, based on random ink blots. Visitors then posted stories about each monster on the blog.Piscopo, Maria “Blog as a Marketing Tool” "Communication Arts", Sept–Oct. 2007: 181+] The clips have been downloaded over a million times and are collected, along with selected stories, in the book "100 Days of Monsters" [] with a foreword by Ze Frank. The series has been included in the prestigious "Communication Arts Illustration" and "American Illustration" [] annuals, and was the subject of the annual "Fresh Dialogue" event held by the New York chapter of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) in May 2007. []

Starting his career in the United States as an art director at Portland, Oregon advertising agency Wieden & Kennedy, Bucher went on to design numerous CD packages including "Brand New Day: The Remixes" for Sting, the soundtrack for the motion picture The Matrix with Keanu Reeves.Heller, Steven & Fernandes, Teresa "Becoming A Graphic Designer - A Guide To Careers In Design" Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd Edition, 2005] His design of the 17th [ "American Photography"] annual received the 2001 Silver Award for outstanding complete book design by British Design & Advertising ( [ "D&AD"] ) His more recent work for clients ranging from KCRW DJ Jason Bentley to art gallery L.A. Louver, painter David Hockney, and movie director Tarsem makes more frequent use of illustration and hand-lettering.Heller, Steven & Ilic, Mirko "Handwritten - Expressive Lettering In The Digital Age" New York: Thames & Hudson, 2004]

He is the author of the book "All Access - The Making of Thirty Extraordinary Graphic Designers" [] In her review of the book for Communication Arts magazine editor Anne Telford said:

In 2004 the Art Directors Club of New York named him one of their Young Guns, honoring him as one of the leading creatives age 30 and under.Art Directors Club “Young Guns 4” Worcester: Rockport Publishers, 2005] He has been an active member of AIGA, having served as the vice-president of membership of the Los Angeles Chapter from 1999 to 2001 and as vice-president of event programing from 2001 to 2003. He is a frequent speaker on graphic design at schools and design organizations across the United States. His column "ink & circumstance" appears in the pages of "STEP inside design" magazine [] He was educated at Art Center College of Design.Martin, Shanon “Flying Solo” "HOW Magazine", Dec. 2002: 75+]


* All Access - The Making of Thirty Extraordinary Graphic Designers. ISBN 1-59253-079-6.
* 100 Days of Monsters. ISBN 1-60061-091-9.


External links

* [ The Daily Monster]
* [ 344 Design]
* [ Video interview with Bucher on Russell Davies' "Thoughts of a Planner" website]
* [ Podcast Interview with Bucher on Von Glitschka's "Illustrative Designer" podcast]

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