

AutoSketch is a 2D vector drawing program by Autodesk. It is less powerful than Autodesk's AutoCAD and does not support 3D models.

AutoSketch uses SKD as its native format, but can export to DWG and DXF. Version 2.1 for Windows supports macros which has been removed in later versions. Search for "2.1fc" to locate a free version of Autodesk 2.1 that can load old files and save them in a format which can be processed by later programs.


The DOS release stored working data in Random access memory {RAM} rather than depending on swapping. This limited editing to what could be stored in free RAM. The Windows release relaxed this limitation by using virtual memory.

Originally called "Drafix" by Foresight Resources, the independent software product won the first American Institute of Architect's "CAD Shoot-out". It was one of the first windows computer-aided design (CAD) products and utilized OLE (object linking and embedment) prior to any Autodesk product. Autodesk found this product both a threat and opportunity and bought out the company. The current version of Autosketch, version 9, was released on August 7 2004.

External links

* [ Autodesk AutoSketch product page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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