Transient Recovery Voltage

Transient Recovery Voltage

A transient recovery voltage (or TRV) for high-voltage circuit breakers is the voltage that appears across the terminals after current interruption. It is a critical parameter for fault interruption by a high-voltage circuit breaker, its characteristics (amplitude, rate of rise) can lead either to a successful current interruption or to a failure (called reignition or restrike).

The TRV is dependent on the characteristics of the system connected on both terminals of the circuit-breaker, and on the type of fault that this circuit breaker has to interrupt (single, double or three-phase faults, grounded or ungrounded fault ..).

Characteristics of the system include:

* type of neutral (effectively grounded, ungrounded, solidly grounded ..)
* type of load (capacitive, inductive, resistive)
* type of connection: cable connected, line connected..

The most severe TRV is applied on the first pole of a circuit-breaker that interrupts current (called the first-pole-to-clear in a three-phase system). The parameters of TRVs are defined in international standards such as IEC and IEEE (or ANSI).

Capacitive load

Typical cases of capacitive loads are unloaded lines and capacitor banks.

Inductive circuit

hort-circuit condition

A circuit breaker interrupts a short-circuit at current zero, at this instant the supply voltage is maximum and the recovery voltage tends to reach the supply voltage with a high frequency transient. The normalized value of the overshoot or amplitude factor is 1.4.

Out-of-phase condition


*This article is a partial translation of the french version: Tension transitoire de rétablissement.

External links

* [ "Transient Recovery Voltages (TRV) for High Voltage Circuit Breakers"] , IEEE PES Tutorial 2008 by Denis Dufournet & R.Kirkland Smith, on

* [ "TRV for High-voltage circuit breakers"] , IEEE tutorial by R.Alexander & D.Dufournet, on

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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