

Antiochis (in Greek Aντιoχίς) was a daughter of Antiochus III the Great, king of Syria. She was married to Ariarathes IV, king of Cappadocia, and bore to her husband two daughters and a son named Mithridates. The latter eventually succeeded his father in 163 BC as king Ariarathes V.rf|1|diod_31.3_app_5


*Appian, " [ The foreign wars] ", Horace White (translator), New York, (1899)
*Smith, William (editor); "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [ "Antiochis (2)"] , Boston, (1867)


ent|1|diod_31.3_app_5 Diodorus Siculus, "Histoire Universelle", [ xxxi. 3] ; Appian, "The Syrian Wars", [ 5]


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