Atlantic Coast restingas

Atlantic Coast restingas

Atlantic Coast restingas are an ecoregion of Brazil, part of the Atlantic Forest region. Restingas are coastal forests which form on sandy, acidic, and nutrient-poor soils, and are characterized by medium sized trees and shrubs adapted to the dry and nutrient-poor conditions found there.


The ecoregion covers an area of 7,900 square kilometers (3,100 square miles), and includes several well-defined enclaves that range along the Atlantic coast from Brazil's northeast to southeast, extending from the tropics to the subtropics.

The northernmost enclave is in Rio Grande do Norte state in northeastern Brazil. Other enclaves are north and south of the city of Salvador and near the mouth of the Jequitinhonha River in Bahia state; north and south of the mouth of the Rio Paraíba do Sul in Rio de Janeiro state; and along the coast of southern Santa Catarina state and Rio Grande do Sul state, as far as the Uruguayan border.


* [ CONAMA] (1999) Resolução 07 de 23 de julho de 1996

External links

* [ Atlantic Coast restingas (World Wildlife Fund)]

ee also

List of plants of Atlantic Forest vegetation of Brazil

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