- Fusafungine
IUPAC_name =
CAS_number = 1393-87-9
ATC_prefix = R02
ATC_suffix = AB03
PubChem =
DrugBank =
C = 29 | H = 51 | N = 2 | O = 8
molecular_weight = 555.72 g/mol [ [http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2008/MB_cgi?term=Fusafungin&field=all Fusafungine] at MeSH]
synonyms = Fusafungin
bioavailability =
protein_bound =
metabolism =
elimination_half-life =
excretion =
pregnancy_AU =
pregnancy_US =
legal_AU =
legal_CA =
legal_UK =
legal_US =
legal_status =
routes_of_administration =Fusafungine (INN), also known as fusafungin, is an active agent used in
antibiotic s for treatment of nasal andthroat infection . It also possessesanti-inflammatory properties. Fusafungine is a mixture ofenniatin cyclohexadepsipeptides made up of alternating D-α-hydroxyvaleric acid and L-"N"-methylamino acid residues, [cite journal | journal = Biochemical Pharmacology | volume =50 |issue=12 22 |year=1995 |pages= 2105-2107 | title=Alkali cation transport through liposomes by the antimicrobial fusafungine and its constitutive enniatins | author = Daniel Levy, Aline Bluzat, Michel Seigneuret and Jean-Louis Rigaud| doi = 10.1016/0006-2952(95)02045-4] produced by the ascomycete "Fusarium lateritium ", and marketed byServier under the trade names Locabiotal, Bioparox, and Locabiosol.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.