

name = "Procoptodon"cite web | author = Haaramo, M. | date = 2004-12-20 | accessdate = 2007-03-15 | title = Mikko's Phylogeny Archive: Macropodidae - kenguroos | url =]
fossil_range = Pleistocene

image_caption = "Procoptodon goliah"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Marsupiala
ordo = Diprotodontia
familia = Macropodidae
subfamilia = Sthenurinae
genus = "Procoptodon"
genus_authority = Owen, 1873
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "P. maddocki" "P. cegsai" "P. mccoy" "P. pusio" "P. texasensis" "P. goliah"

"Procoptodon" was a genus of giant short-faced kangaroo living in Australia during the Pleistocene epoch. "P. goliah", the largest kangaroo that ever existed, stood approximately 3 metres (10 feet) tall and weighed about 232 kg (507 pounds). [cite journal | author = Helgen, K.M., Wells, R.T., Kear, B.P., Gerdtz, W.R., and Flannery, T.F. | year = 2006 | title = Ecological and evolutionary significance of sizes of giant extinct kangaroos | journal = Australian Journal of Zoology | volume = 54 | pages = 293–303 | doi = 10.1071/ZO05077]

The giant short-faced kangaroos had a flat face and forward-pointing eyes. On each foot it had a single large toe somewhat similar in appearance like a horse's hoof. On these unusual feet it moved quickly through the open forests and plains, where it sought grass and leaves to eat. Its front paws were equally strange: each front paw had two extra-long fingers with large claws. Perhaps they were used to grab branches, bringing leaves within eating distance. The genus went extinct about 50,000 years ago though there is some evidence they may have survived until as recently as 18,000 years ago. Their demise is usually attributed to human activities, but this remains uncertain.

A full-size, life-like replica is on permanent display with other ancient native Australian animals at the Australian Museum.

The genus is paraphyletic, derived from "Simosthenurus". [Gavin Prideaux, " [ Systematics and Evolution of the Sthenurine Kangaroos] " (April 1, 2004). UC Publications in Geological Sciences. Paper vol 146.]


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