- Buchnera (proteobacteria)
color = lightgrey
name = Buchnera aphidicola
regnum = Bacteria
phylum =Proteobacteria
classis =Gamma Proteobacteria
ordo =Enterobacteriales
familia = Enterobacteriaceae
genus = "Buchnera"
species = "B. aphidicola"
binomial = "Buchnera aphidicola"Buchnera aphidicola a member of the
Proteobacteria , is the primary endosymbiont ofaphids (A. pisum). It is believed that "Buchnera" was once a free livinggram negative ancestor similar to a modernEnterobacteriaceae such as "Escherichia coli". "Buchnera" are 3 µm in diameter and have some of the key characteristics of their Enterobacteriaceae relatives such as a gram-negative cell wall. However, unlike most other gram-negative bacteria, "Buchnera" lack the genes to producelipopolysaccharides (LPS) for their outer membrane. The long association with aphids and the limitation of crossover events due to strictly vertical transmission has seen the deletion of genes required foranaerobic respiration , the synthesis ofamino sugars ,fatty acids ,phospholipids , and complexcarbohydrates . This has resulted not only in one of the smallest knowngenomes of any living organism, it is also one of the most genetically stable.The symbiotic relationship with aphids began between 200 million and 150 million years ago, and has persisted through maternal transmission and
co-speciation . Aphids have developedbacteriocyte cells to house Buchnera. It is estimated that a matureaphid may carry 5.6 × 106 Buchnera individuals. Buchnera have lost regulatory factors allowing continuous overproduction oftryptophan and otheramino acids . Each bacteriocyte contains multiple vesicles,symbiosomes derived from theplasma membrane .Buchnera was first named by Paul Baumann and his graduate student, and the first molecular characterization of a symbiotic bacterium was carried out by Baumann, using Buchnera. The initial studies on Buchnera later led to studies on symbionts of many groups of insects, pursued by numerous investigators, including Paul and Linda Baumann, Nancy Moran, Serap Aksoy, Roy Gross, who together investigated symbionts of aphids, tsetse flies, ants, leafhoppers, mealybugs, whiteflies, psyllids and others.
*External links
* [http://www.genomesonline.org/search.cgi?colcol=all&goldstamp=ALL&gen_type=ALL&org_name1=genus&gensp=Buchnera&org_domain=ALL&org_status=ALL&size2=ALL&org_size=Kb&gen_gc=ALL&phylogeny2=ALL&gen_institution=ALL&gen_funding=ALL&gen_data=ALL&cont=ALL&gen_country=ALL&gen_pheno=ALL&gen_eco=ALL&gen_disease=ALL&gen_relevance=ALL&gen_avail=ALL&selection=submit+search Buchnera Genome Projects] (from [http://www.genomesonline.org Genomes OnLine Database] )
* [http://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/pub/main.cgi?section=TaxonList&page=lineageMicrobes&genus=Buchnera Comparative Analysis of Buchnera Genomes] (at DOE's IMG system)
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