Neo-Zeon Movements

Neo-Zeon Movements

The Neo-Zeon Movements are fictional conflicts in the Universal Century (UC) Era of the Gundam franchise. These events are covered in the television series "Mobile Suit Gundam Double Zeta" and the full-length movie "".

First Neo-Zeon Movement

Post-Gryps Conflict

After the end of the Gryps Conflict on February 22, UC 0088, the Earth Federation is extremely weakened not only due to the loss of the Titans, but also a great part of its fleet is wiped out in the last battle surrounding the "Gryps II" colony laser. The Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG) also loses a majority of its forces; only its flagship "Argama" is still able to fight. With the Axis fleet intact, having retreated from battle to prepare for its invasion of Earth, they become the most powerful military faction in the Earth Sphere. On February 29, Axis renames itself Neo-Zeon and starts the First Neo-Zeon War.

The First Neo-Zeon War

Since the Earth Federation and the AEUG are greatly weakened, the Neo-Zeon fleet sends their invasion force to seize total control of the Earth. With the help of some remaining "Principality of Zeon" members on the planet, Neo-Zeon troops are able to secure several locations in Africa with little to no resistance. "Haman Karn", current leader of Neo-Zeon, attempts to occupy the space colonies, but fails due to sufficient Federation forces stationed to repel invaders. Remnants of the AEUG mount a quick resistance to Haman's Neo-Zeon via the remaining crew of the Argama. Without the leadership of a missing-in-action "Char Aznable" and the ace piloting skills of "Kamille Bidan", who has fallen into a vegetative state, the AEUG recruits many new members, one of them being "Judau Ashta", the eventual pilot of the "MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam".

On August 8, UC 0088, Haman's forces conquer the Earth Federation Assembly at Dakar, but when the AEUG and "Karaba", their terrestrial allies, head for a counteroffensive, they are repulsed, forcing them to retreat. By October 31, Neo-Zeon drops a colony on Dublin, Ireland and has their forces prevent the civilians from fleeing as a display of power for their cause. While the colony drop is successful, the interference of the AUEG and Karaba prevents the complete genocide of Dublin's civilian population. Karaba's giant mobile aircraft "Audhumla" is able rescue some of the population, though Karaba's leader "Hayato Kobayashi" dies in battle. Not wanting any further colony drops, the Federation government agrees to hand over the colonies in Side 3 to Neo-Zeon.

Civil War & the Battle of Axis

On December 25, UC 0088, Neo-Zeon officer "Glemy Toto" declares the foundation of his own Neo-Zeon faction, sparking a civil war against Haman's main forces. He establishes his base of operations in the asteroid "Mauser", and with his army of Newtype clones, attacks the colony "Core Three" in Side 3, igniting the Battle of Axis. Deciding that Glemy is the greater threat, the AEUG issues an order to engage his forces inside Core Three, eventually eliminating Glemy. As a last ditch effort, Glemy orders his troops to ram Mauser into Core Three, effectively destroying both his and Haman's remaining fleets. Haman herself is killed in combat with Judau. The first Neo-Zeon War finally ends on January 17, UC 0089.


With the deaths of Haman and Glemy, Neo-Zeon becomes leaderless, with a majority of its fleets wiped out at the Battle of Axis. However, the sudden reappearance of presumably dead political figure returns to power in UC 0093, taking control of the Neo-Zeon banner, leading to the second "and" last Neo-Zeon movement.

econd Neo-Zeon Movement


To deal with anti-Federation movements, the Earth Federation creates the Londo Bell Task Force in the early UC 0090s, whose mission is similar to the Titans, albeit without its fascist overtone. Many of its members are ex-AEUG/Karaba members and their operations are carried out in a far more humane way. While the task force is set at inspecting and investigating the colonies for any remnant Zeon supporters, they are greatly understaffed.

In the end of UC 0092, the presumed dead Char Aznable returns, having survived the Gryps Conflict, and becomes the leader of Neo-Zeon. As the surviving son of "Zeon Zum Deikun", Char, taking on his real name of "Casval Rem Deikun", takes it upon himself to move all humans into space, so that humanity's future generations will evolve into Newtypes, and allow the planet to become a natural sanctuary. However, the means by which he attempts to do this are far more radical, as he forces Earthnoids to flee into space by dropping asteroids onto the Earth, thus starting a nuclear winter. Char first gains favor from the colony of "Sweetwater", using it as a base of operations to build up his forces. On February 27, UC 0093, he declares war against the Earth.

In order to stop Char, the Earth Federation increases the Londo Bell's size and re-inserts prominent veterans from previous wars, such as "Bright Noa", former captain of the "White Base" and the Argama, and Char’s arch-rival, "Amuro Ray", the pilot of original "RX-78 Gundam". Thus, the Second Neo-Zeon War begins.

The Second Neo-Zeon War

The first major battle occurs when Char, in his "MSN-04 Sazabi", orders his Neo-Zeon forces to drop the asteroid "Fifth Luna" on the Federation’s headquarters in Lhasa, Tibet. Although Londo Bell interferes, they fail to stop the operation and Lhasa is completely destroyed. Afterwards, Char retreats to Sweetwater with his fleet, while Amuro uses this time to journey to "Anaheim Electronics" headquarters on the moon to retrieve his new "RX-93 Nu Gundam". The Londo Bell flagship, "Ra Cailum", captained by Bright, awaits his return, but Amuro is forced to return with an incomplete machine, after Char takes the preemptive and orders his "AMS-119 Geara Doga" squadrons to take out the Ra Cailum. A passenger shuttle is caught in the middle of the battle, where Bright's 13-year old son, "Hathaway Noa" and his new friend, "Quess Paraya" are aboard. The shuttle is taken into the Ra Calium, following the Nu Gundam's arrival, forcing a retreat of the Geara Dogas.

Earth Federation/Neo-Zeon Negotiations

On March 6, UC 0093, the Earth Federation holds a secret meeting with Neo-Zeon representatives, including Char, at the colony of "Londenion" in Side 1. Ironically, Londo Bell is also on the colony to resupply the Ra Cailum and to drop off the civilians, but is not aware of Neo-Zeon's prescence. In the negotiations, Char agrees to stop sending asteroids towards Earth and promises to relinquish his fleet at the asteroid "Luna II", so long as the Federation hands him the giant asteroid, "Axis". Representatives of the Federation, including Federation Minister "Adenaur Paraya", Quess' father, agrees to his terms. Later, when Amuro takes a tour of the colony with Hathaway and Quess, he encounters Char, leading to a short fistfight. Quess helps Char escape (due in part to her unrequited feelings from Amuro) back to his ship and summarily allies with him.

Deception at Luna II

A few days later, Char sends a dummy fleet to Luna II, while his main fleet captures Axis by force. Federation troops stationed at Luna II are taken aback by Char's reneging of their negotiations, but are too late to react, as Neo-Zeon forces easily overrun their Axis defense. With Axis under Neo-Zeon occupation, Char orders the giant asteroid to head straight for Earth. In the meantime, the mobile armor "NZ-333 Alpha Azieru" is assigned to Quess, who displays a tremendous amount of Newtype powers and Char selects her to defend Axis. Similarly, Londo Bell begins plans to stop Axis' descent: first, the Ra Cailum and its fleet will launch volleys of nuclear missiles against the asteroid, in an attempt to destroy it. If unsuccessful, the fleet will have to move and land on Axis, infiltrate its infrastructure and plant explosives, breaking it apart from within and hopefully allow Axis to drift away from the Earth. With his Nu Gundam finally completed, Amuro leads the fleet's "RGM-89 Jegan" squadrons, while Bright commands the fleet for the offensive.

The Attack on Axis

Amuro and his Jegan squadrons are sent out first to distract Char's Geara Doga troops, drawing them away from the prescence of the nuclear missiles. While Londo Bell and Neo-Zeon engages in mobile suit combat, Neo-Zeon cyber-Newtype "Gyunei Guss" senses the decoy and singlehandedly destroys the first volley with his "MSN-03 Jagd Doga". With the first part of their offensive a failure, the squadrons return to their fleet, but Londo Bell presses on and unleashes a second volley, only to have Char fend off their remaining warheads with his Sazabi. Left with no choice, Londo Bell is forced to land on Axis to complete their operation. Meanwhile, Quess takes to the battlefield in the Alpha Azieru against the Jegans, and Hathaway, having stolen a Jegan, attempts to persuade her to stop her recklessness. Unfortunately, she is killed by a stray missile, after pushing him out of the way.

In an intense duel, Amuro and Char engages one another over the still-descending Axis. The Ra Cailum manages to land on Axis and its crew of engineers plant various explosives amongst the interior of the asteroid. The plan is successful, and Axis breaks apart. However, only part of it is deflected from the blast, while a sizeable chunk is pulled in by Earth's gravitational field. In the meantime, Amuro, having defeated Char and capturing the Sazabi's ejection capsule, attempts to stop the falling piece singlehandedly with the Nu Gundam. Along with Federation mobile suit reinforcements from Earth, Londo Bell's Jegans, and "even" remaining Neo-Zeon Geara Dogas, they try to push the asteroid away from its descent. While it seems hopeless, a strange reaction inside the psycommu system by the psycoframe of the Nu Gundam creates a reaction powerful enough to halt the asteroid and push it out of Earth's gravity. This event, witnessed throughout the Earth Sphere, signifies the end of the Second Neo-Zeon War.


With the supposed death of Char Aznable, the last great leader of Zeon, the long conflict between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon comes to an end. However, Neo-Zeon movements does not completely stop after UC 0093, as conflicts still exist as late as UC 0096. By UC 0100, the Republic of Zeon surrenders its autonomy and rejoins the Federation at Side 3, declaring the eradication of all conflict in the Earth Sphere.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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