List of Gundam Universal Century mobile units

List of Gundam Universal Century mobile units

This is a list of fictional Mobile Weapon from the Universal Century timeline of the "Gundam" anime metaseries. See the units' individual pages, where available, for detailed information.

See Mobile Suit Variations for the MSV models.See MS-X for the MS-X models.

Earth Federation

The Earth Federation's designation system for mobile suits prefaces all mobile suit designations with the letter R. Primary sub-designations are X for experimental, GM for Gundam-based Mass production suits, GC for Guncannon-based mass production suits and MS for Zeon-based mass production suits. There are a few sub-designations, like RGZ for mass production suits based on the Zeta Gundam, and there are some like RXR for the Guntank R-44 which don't have any specfic designation. Most Federation MS are designated in series from the RX-75 Guntank. Some prototype and unused designs are designated in other sequences, primarily those used by Anaheim Electronics and the Titans.

* F71 G-Cannon [MSG-F91]
** F71B G-Cannon Magna [MSG-SF91]
* F90 Gundam Formula 90 [MSG-F90]
** F90A Gundam Formula 90 Assault Type [MSG-F90]
** F90D Gundam Formula 90 Destroid Type [MSG-F90]
** F90E Gundam Formula 90 Reconnaissance Type [MSG-F90]
** F90H Gundam Formula 90 Hover Type [MSG-F90]
** F90M Gundam Formula 90 Marine Type [MSG-F90]
** F90P Gundam Formula 90 Plunge Type [MSG-F90]
** F90S Gundam Formula 90 Support Type [MSG-F90]
** F90V Gundam Formula 90 VSBR Type [MSG-F90]
* F90II Gundam Formula 90II [MSG-F90]
** F90II-I Gundam Formula 90II Intercept Type [MSG-F90]
** F90II-L Gundam Formula 90II Long Range Type [MSG-F90]
** F90III-Y Cluster Gundam [MSG-SF91]
* F91 Gundam Formula 91 [MSG-F91/MSG-CG]
** RXF-91 Silhouette Gundam [MSG-SF91]
** RXF-91A Silhouette Gundam Kai [MSG-SF91]
* FA-010A FAZZ (Full Armor Double Zeta) (Note: This MS is different from FA-010S) [MSG-SENT]
* FD-03 Gustav Karl [MSG-HF]
* MSA-003 Nemo [MSG-DF]
** MSA-004K Nemo III [MSG-DF]
* MSA-005K Guncannon Detector [MSG-DF]
* MSA-007 Nero [MSG-SENT]
** MSA-007E EWAC Nero [MSG-SENT]
** MSA-007T Nero Trainer [MSG-SENT]
* MSA-008 Bar-GM [MSG-DF]
* MSA-0011 S(Superior) Gundam [MSG-SENT]
** MSA-0011 [Bst] S Gundam Booster Unit Type [MSG-SENT]
* MSA-0011 [Ext] Ex-S(Extraordinarily Superior) Gundam [MSG-SENT]
** MSA-0011 [Bst] Ex-S Gundam Booster Type "Plan 303E" Deep Striker [MSG-SENT MSV]
* Z Plus mobile suit series
** MSZ-006Proto Zeta Plus Prototype [MSG-SENT MSV]
** MSZ-006A1 Z Plus Test-Type/Z Plus A1 [MSG-SENT]
*** MSK-006 Z Plus (Amuro Ray Custom) [MSG-SENT MSV]
*** MSZ-006A1B Z Plus A1B [MSG-SENT MSV]
** MSZ-006A2 Z Plus A2 [MSG-SENT]
** MSZ-006A3 Z Plus A3 [MSG-SENT]
** MSZ-006B Z Plus B [MSG-SENT]
** MSZ-006C1 Z Plus C1 [MSG-SENT]
*** MSZ-006C1 [Bst] Z Plus "Hummingbird" [MSG-SENT MSV]
** MSZ-006C4 Z Plus C4 [MSG-SENT]
** MSZ-006D Z Plus D [MSG-SENT]
** MSZ-006E Z Plus E (EWAC) [MSG-SENT MSV]
** MSZ-006R Z Plus R [MSG-SENT]
* RB-79 Ball [MSG/MSG-0083]
** RB-79C Ball [MSG-0083/MSG-MI]
** RB-79K Ball [MSG-08T]
* RB-133 Model 133 Ball [MSG-CG]
* RGC-80 GM Cannon [MSG-Z]
* RGC-83 GM Cannon II [MSG-0083]
* RGM-79 GM [MSG/MSG-0083]
** RGM-79 [E] GM Type-E [MSG-08T]
** RGM-79 [G] GM Ground Type [MSG-08T]
** RGM-79 [G] GM Sniper [MSG-08T]
** RGM-79C GM Kai [MSG-0083]
** RGM-79 Powered GM [MSG-0083]
** RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type [MSG-0080/MSG-BD]
** RGM-79G GM Command [MSG-0080/MSG-BD]
** RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type [MSG-0080]
** RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom [MSG-Z]
** RGM-79SP GM Sniper II [MSG-0080]
** RGM-79N GM Custom [MSG-0083]
** RGM-79R (RGM-179, RMS-179) GM II [MSG-DF]
** RGM-86R Novel GM III [MSG-SENT]
* RGM-89 Jegan [MSG-CCA/MSG-F90]
** RGM-89B Jegan Kai [MSG-DF]
** RGM-89J Jegan Normal Type [MSG-F91/MSG-CG]
** RGM-89M Jegan B-Type [MSG-F91]
** RGM-89R Jegan A-Type [MSG-F91]
** RGM-89S Stark Jegan [MSG-CCA MSV]
** RGM-89ST-2 ST-Gun [MSG-F90]
* RGM-109 Heavygun [MSG-F91/MSG-CG]
* RGM-111 Hardygun [MSG-SF91]
* RGM-119 Jamesgun [MSG-VG]
* RGM-122 Javelin [MSG-CG/MSG-VG]
* RGX-D3 D Gundam "Third" [MSG-DF]
* RGX-D4 D Gundam "Fourth" [MSG-DF]
* RMS-106 Hizack [MSG-Z]
* RMS-117 Galbaldy β [MSG-Z]
* RMV-1 Guntank II [MSG-Z]
* RX-75 Guntank [MSG]
** RX-75 Guntank Mass Production Type [MSG-08T]
* RX-77 Guncannon [MSG]
** RX-77D Guncannon Mass Production Type [MSG-0080]
** RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Arms Type [MSG-Z]
* RX-78 Project V series (First Lot)
** RX-78-1 Prototype Gundam [MSG-MSV]
*** FA-78-1 Gundam Full-Armor Type [MSG-MSV]
*** FA-78-2 Heavy Gundam [MSG-MSX]
** RX-78-2 "Gundam" [MSG]
** RX-78-3 3rd Gundam "G-3 Gundam" [MSG-MSV]
* RX-78 Project V series (Second Lot)
** RX-78-4 4th Gundam [MSG-MMSV]
*** RX-78-4 4th Gundam "Gundam G04" [MSG-EiS]
****RX-78-4 [Bst] 4th Gundam "Gundam G04" [MSG-EiS]
** RX-78-5 5th Gundam [MSG-MMSV]
***RX-78-5 5th Gundam "Gundam G05" [MSG-EiS/MSG-From Place Beyond the Blaze]
****RX-78-5 [Bst] 5th Gundam "Gundam G05" [MSG-EiS/MSG-From Place Beyond the Blaze]
** RX-78-6 6th Gundam [MSG-MMSV]
*** RX-78-6 Mudrock Gundam [MSG-ZF/MSG-From Place Beyond the Blaze]
** RX-78-7 7th Gundam [MSG-MMSV]
*** FA-78-3 Full-Armor 7th Gundam [MSG-MMSV]
*** FHA-78-3 Heavy Full-Armor Gundam [MSG-MMSV]
** RX-78-8 8th Gundam [MSG-MSV]
*RX-78 Project G-4 series
** RX-78NT-1 Gundam "Alex" [MSG-0080]
***RX-78NT-1FA Full-Armor Gundam "Alex" [MSG-0080]
** RX-78XX Gundam Pixie [MSG-CD0079]
* Gundam Development Project
** RX-78GP00 Gundam "Blossom"
** RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" [MSG-0083]
*** RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes Full-Vernian" [MSG-0083]
** RX-78GP02A Gundam "Physalis" [MSG-0083]
** RX-78GP03D Gundam "Dendrobium" [MSG-0083]
*** RX-78GP03S Gundam "Dendrobium Stamen" [MSG-0083]
** RX-78GP04G Gundam "Gerbera"
* RX-79 Series
** RX-79 [G] Gundam Mass-Produced Ground Type [MSG-08T]
*** RX-79 [G] Ez-8 Gundam Ez8 [MSG-08T]
**** RX-79Ez-8/HAC Gundam Ez8 Heavy Arms Custom [MSG-SD GGA]
**** RX-79Ez-8/HMC Gundam Ez8 High Mobility Custom [MSG-SD GGA]
** RX-79BD GM Blue Destiny Unit 1 [MSG-BD]
** RX-79BD-2 Gundam Blue Destiny Unit 2 [MSG-BD]
** RX-79BD-3 Gundam Blue Destiny Unit 3 [MSG-BD]
* RX-99 Neo Gundam [MSG-SF91]
* RX-104FF Penelope (RX-104 Odysseus Gundam) [MSG-HF]
* RX-110 Zorin Soul [MSG-GG]
* RXR-44 (F50D, RX-107) Guntank R-44 [MSG-F91]
* UM-190A Gussa [MSG-GG]

Riah Colony Defense Forces [MSG-0080]

* RH-35E Riah 35 Draken-E [MSG-0080]


* MRX-009 Psyco Gundam [MSG-Z]
* MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mk-II [MSG-Z]
* NRX-044 Asshimar [MSG-Z]
** NRX-044 Prototype Asshimar TR3 "Kehaar" [MSG-AOZ]
** NRX-044 [R] Prototype Asshimar TR3 "Kehaar" [MSG-AOZ]
* NRX-055 Baund Doc [MSG-Z]
* ORX-005 Gaplant [MSG-Z]
** ORX-005 Gaplant TR-5 "Fiver" [MSG-AOZ]
* PMX-000 Messala [MSG-Z]
* PMX-001 Pallas Athene [MSG-Z]
* PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn [MSG-Z]
* PMX-003 The O [MSG-Z]
* RGM-79CR GM Kai High Mobility Type [MSG-AOZ]
* RGM-79Q GM Quel [MSG-0083]
* RGM-79R (RGM-179) GM II [MSG-Z]
* RGM-79SR GM Sniper III [MSG-AOZ]
** RGM-79SR GM Sniper III Cannon Pack Test Type [MSG-AOZ]
* RMS-106 Hi-Zack [MSG-Z]
** RMS-106C Hi-Zack Cannon [MSG-AOZ]
** RMS-106CS Hi-Zack Custom [MSG-Z]
** YRMS-106 Hi-Zack Pre-production Type [MSG-AOZ]
* RMS-154 Barzam [MSG-Z]
* RX-107 Rosette [MSG-AOZ]
** RX-107 TR-4 "Dandelion" [MSG-AOZ]
* RX-110 Gabthley [MSG-Z]
* RX-121 Gundam TR-1 "Hazel" [MSG-AOZ]
** RX-121-1 Gundam TR-1 "Hazel Custom" [MSG-AOZ]
*** RX-121-1+FF-X29A Gundam TR-1 "Hazel Rah" [MSG-AOZ]
** RX-121-2 Gundam TR-1 "Hazel II" [MSG-AOZ]
** RX-121-2A Gundam TR-1 "Advance Hazel" [MSG-AOZ]
* RX-139 Hambrabi [MSG-Z]
* RX-160 Byarlant [MSG-Z]
* RX-178 Gundam Mk-II [MSG-Z]
* RMS-108 Marasai [MSG-Z]

Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG)/Karaba

AEUG mobile suits tended to use the designation that they were given from whichever group they were acquired from. Most AEUG MSs were either inherited from Earth Federal Forces (e.g. the GM IIs), or supplied from Anaheim Electronics and hence used Anaheim corporate designators. The RX-178 Gundam Mk IIs were stolen from the Titans.

* MSA-003 Nemo [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ]
* MSA-005 Methuss [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ]
* MSK-008 Dijeh [MSG-Z]
* MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ]
* MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam [MSG-Z/MSN-ZZ]
* MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam [MSG-ZZ]
** MSZ-010S Enhanced ZZ Gundam [MSG-ZZ]
** FA-010S Full Armor Enhanced ZZ Gundam [MSG-ZZ]
* RGM-79R (RGM-179) GM II [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ]
* RMS-099 Rick Dias (also developed as the MSA-099) [MSG-Z]
* RX-178 Gundam Mk-II [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ]
** RX-178+FXA-05D Super Gundam [MSG-Z]

Londo Bell

* RGM-88X Jeddah ("Hi-Streamer" Novel Only) [MSG-CCA]
* RGM-89 Jegan [MSG-CCA]
* RGZ-91 Re-GZ [MSG-CCA]
** RGZ-95 ReZEL [MSG-U]
* RX-93 Nu Gundam [MSG-CCA]
** RX-93-ν-2 Hi-Nu Gundam ("Beltorchika's Children" Novel Only) [MSG-CCA]
* RX-0 Unicorn Gundam [MSG-U]

League Militaire

* LM111E02 Gun-EZ [MSG-VG]
** LM111E03 Gunblastor [MSG-VG]
* LM312V04 Victory Gundam [MSG-VG]
** LM312V04+SD-VB03A V-Dash Gundam [MSG-VG]
** LM312V06 Victory Gundam Hexa [MSG-VG]
** LM312V06+SD-VB03A V-Dash Gundam Hexa [MSG-VG]
* LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam [MSG-VG]
** LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam [MSG-VG]
** LM314V24 Victory 2 Assault Gundam [MSG-VG]
** LM314V25 Victory 2 Assault-Buster Gundam [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S06S Zoloat [MSG-VG]

Congress of Settlement Nations (CONSENT)

* CAMS-13 MS-Rai [MSG-SAV]
** CAMW-13 MW-Rai [MSG-SAV]
* CCMS-03 Bugu [MSG-SAV]
** Bugu II [MSG-SAV]
* Raid [MSG-SAV]
* Raiven [MSG-SAV]
* Spearhead [MSG-SAV]

Principality of Zeon

The Principality of Zeon mobile weapon designation scheme prefaces all mobile weapon designations with "M". "MS" series mobile weapons are mobile suits, beginning with the MS-01; the most famous Zeon mobile weapon is the Zeonic Company MS-06 Zaku II. "MA" series mobile weapons are mobile armors, larger and non-humanoid (usually with fewer or no articulated limbs compared to a mobile suit, which generally has four to six). There are also specialized sequences like the MSM marine mobile suit sequence, which also start from -01. Unlike the Delaz Fleet, which was a "rogue" Zeon military fleet from the One Year War, the various Neo-Zeon movements each used their own MS designation schemes.

* Apsalus Project
** Apsalus I [MSG-08T]
** Apsalus II [MSG-08T]
** Apsalus III [MSG-08T]
* EMS-10 Zudah [MSG-MI]
* MA-04X Zakrello [MSG]
* MA-05 Bigro [MSG]
** MA-05Ad Big Rang [MSG-MI]
* MA-06 Val Varo [MSG-0083]
* MA-08 Big Zam [MSG]
* MAM-07 Grabro [MSG]
* MAN-03 Braw Bro [MSG]
* MAN-08 Elmeth [MSG]
* MAX-03 Adzam [MSG]
* MP-02A Oggo [MSG-MI]
* MS-05B Zaku I [MSG/MSG-08T/MSG-BD]
* MS-06F Zaku II [MSG/MSG-08T/MSG-BD]
** MS-06E Zaku Reconnaissance Type [MSG-Z]
** MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai [MSG-0080]
** MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type [MSG-0083]
** MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type [MSG-08T/MSG-BD]
** MS-06K Zaku Cannon [MSG-08T/MSG-Z/MSG-BD]
** MS-06M (MSM-01) Zaku Marine Type [MSG-Z]
** MS-06R-1A Zaku II High Mobility Type [MSG-BD]
** MS-06RD-4 Zaku II Prototype [MSG-08T]
** MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type [MSG]
** MS-06V Zaku Tank [MSG-08T/MSG-Z]
* MS-07B Gouf [MSG/MSG-BD]
** MS-07B-3 Gouf Custom [MSG-08T]
** MS-07H Gouf Flight Test Type [MSG-Z]
** MS-07H-8 Gouf Flight Type [MSG-08T]
* MS-08TX Efreet [MSG-CD79]
** MS-08TX [EXAM] Efreet Kai [MSG-BD]
* MS-09 Dom [MSG/MSG-08T/MSG-BD]
** MS-09R Rick Dom [MSG/MSG-0083]
** MS-09RII Rick Dom II [MSG-0080/MSG-0083]
** MS-09F Dom Funf [MSG-ZF]
*** MS-09F/Trop Dom Tropen [MSG-0083]
* MS-14A Gelgoog [MSG/MSG-08T/MSG-0083]
** MS-14B Gelgoog High Mobility Type [MSG-BD]
** MS-14Jg Gelgoog Jäger [MSG-0080]
** MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type [MSG]
* MS-18E Kämpfer [MSG-0080]
* MSM-03 Gogg [MSG/MSG-08T]
** MSM-03C Hygogg [MSG-0080/MSG-BD]
* MSM-04 Acguy [MSG/MSG-08T]
* MSM-07 Z'Gok [MSG]
** MSM-07Di ZeGok [MSG-MI]
** MSM-07E Z'Gok-E [MSG-0080/MSG-BD]
** MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander Type [MSG]
* MSM-10 Zock [MSG]
* MSN-02 Zeong [MSG]
* YMS-15 Gyan [MSG]
** MS-15A Gyan Mass Production Type [MSG-GA]
** MS-15B Gyan High Mobility Type [MSG-GA]
** MS-15C Gyan Cannon [MSG-GA]
** MS-15F Gyan Marine [MSG-GA]
*** MS-15Fs Gyan Marine Commander Type [MSG-GA]
** MS-15Kg Gyan Krieger [MSG-GA]
* YMT-05 Hildolfr [MSG-MI]

Delaz Fleet

* AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra [MSG-0083]
* MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type [MSG-0083]
* MS-09F/Trop Dom Tropen [MSG-0083]
* MS-09RII Rick Dom II [MSG-0083]
* MS-14F Gelgoog Marine [MSG-0083]
** MS-14Fs Gelgoog Marine Commander Type [MSG-0083]
* MS-21C Dra-C [MSG-0083]
* YMS-16M Xamel [MSG-0083]

Neo Zeon/Axis

* AMA-01X Jamru Fin [MSG-ZZ]
* AMA-002 Neue Ziel [MSG-0083]
* AMA-100 Zodiac [MSG-SENT]
* AMX-002 Gaza-B [MSG-DF]
* AMX-003 (MMT-1) Gaza-C [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ/MSG-SENT]
** AMX-003S Gaza-C Custom [MSG-DF]
* AMX-004 (MMS-3) Qubeley [MSG-Z/MSG-ZZ]
** AMX-004-2 (AMX-005) Qubeley Mark II [MSG-ZZ]
** AMX-004-3 (AMX-005) Qubeley Mark II (Puru Two Custom) [MSG-ZZ]
** AMX-004G (AMX-017) Qubeley Mass Production Type [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-006 Gaza-D [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-007 (MMT-3) Gaza-E [MSG-SENT]
* AMX-008 Ga-Zowm [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-009 Dreissen [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-011 (AMX-110) Zaku III [MSG-ZZ]
** AMX-011C (AMX-110C) Zaku III Late Type [MSG-DF]
** AMX-011S (AMX-110S) Zaku III Custom [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-013 Zssa Dain [MSG-DF]
* AMX-014 Doven Wolf [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-015 Geymark [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-016 Gaza-W [MSG-DF]
* AMX-101 Galluss-J [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-102 Zssa [MSG-ZZ]
** AMX-102C Zssa Kai [MSG-DF]
** AMX-013 Zssa Dain [MSG-DF]
* AMX-103 Hamma Hamma [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-104 R-Jarja [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-107 Bawoo [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-109 Kapool [MSG-ZZ]
* AMX-117L Gazu-L [MSG-ZZ]
** AMX-117R Gazu-R [MSG-ZZ]
* AMS-119 Geara Doga [MSG-CCA/MSG-DF/MSG-SF91]
* MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mark II [MSG-ZZ]
* MS-06F Zaku II [MSG-ZZ]
* MS-09G Dowadge [MSG-ZZ]
* MS-14J ReGelg [MSG-ZZ]
* MSN-03 Jagd Doga [MSG-CCA/MSG-DF]
* MSN-04 Sazabi [MSG-CCA]
** MSN-04II Nightingale ("Beltorchika's Children" Novel Only) [MSG-CCA]
* MSN-06S Sinanju [MSG-U]
* MSN-X4 Buggy Doga [MSG-DF]
* NZ-000 Quin Mantha [MSG-ZZ]
** NZ-666 Kshatriya [MSG-U]
* NZ-333 Alpha Azieru [MSG-CCA]
** NZ-222 Psyco Doga [MSG-CCA MSV]
** NZ-444 Beta Azieru [MSG-CCA MSV]
* RMS-099B Sturm Dias [MSG-ZZ]
* RMS-106 Hi-Zack [MSG-ZZ]
** RMS-116H Hobby Hi-Zack [MSG-CCA]
* RMS-119 EWAC Zack "Eye-Zack" [MSG-ZZ]
* RMS-192M Zaku Mariner [MSG-ZZ]

African Liberation Front

* MS-06D Desert Zaku [MSG-ZZ]
* MS-09G Dowadge [MSG-ZZ]
* MS-14A Gelgoog [MSG-ZZ]
* RMS-119 EWAC Zack "Eye-Zack" [MSG-ZZ]

Oldsmobile Army

* OMS-06RF RF Zaku [MSG-F90]
* OMS-07RF RF Gouf [MSG-F90]
* OMS-09RF RF Dom [MSG-F90]
** OMS-09DRF RF Desert Dom [MSG-F90]
** OMS-09SRF RF Snow Dom [MSG-F90]
* OMS-14RF RF Gelgoog [MSG-F90]
** OMS-14SRF RF Gelgoog Charles Rochester Type [MSG-F90]
* OMS-15RF RF Gyan [MSG-F90]
* OMS-90R Gundam F90 [MSG-F90]
* OMSM-07RF RF Z'Gok [MSG-F90]
* OMAX-01 Grand Zam [MSG-F90]
* OMAX-03RF RF Adzam [MSG-F90]

New Desides

* ORX-013 Gundam Mk-V [MSG-SENT]
* RMS-141 Xeku Eins [MSG-SENT]
* RMS-142 Xeku Zwei [MSG-SENT]

Mafty Navue Erin

* Me-02R Messer [MSG-HF]
* RX-105 Ξ Gundam [MSG-HF]

Crossbone Vanguard

* EMS-06 Batalla [MSG-CG]
* EMS-10 Pez Batalla [MSG-CG]
* XM-01 Den'an Zon [MSG-F91/MSG-SF91]
* XM-02 Den'an Gei [MSG-F91/MSG-SF91]
* XM-03 Ebirhu-S [MSG-F91/MSG-SF91]
* XM-04 Berga Dalas [MSG-F91]
* XM-05 Berga Giros [MSG-F91]
** XM-05B Berga Balus [MSG-SF91]
* XM-06 Dahgi Iris [MSG-F91]
* XM-07 Vigna Ghina [MSG-F91]
** XM-07G Vigna Zirah [MSG-SF91]
* XM-10 Flint [MSG-CG]
* XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam X-1 [MSG-CG]
** XM-X1ex Crossbone Gundam X-1 Kai [MSG-CG]
** XM-X1ex Crossbone Gundam X-1 "Skull heart" (X4) [MSG-CG]
* XM-X2 Crossbone Gundam X-2 [MSG-CG]
** XM-X2ex Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai [MSG-CG]
* XM-X3 Crossbone Gundam X-3 [MSG-CG]
* XMA-01 Rafflesia [MSG-F91]
* Zondo Gei [MSG-CG]

Jupiter Empire

* Cangrejo [MSG-CG]
* Diona [MSG-CG]
* Divinidad [MSG-CG]
* EMA-04 Elefante [MSG-CG]
* EMA-06 Elegolea [MSG-CG]
* EMS-06 Batalla [MSG-CG]
* EMS-07 Elevado [MSG-CG]
* EMS-09 Vagon [MSG-CG]
* EMS-10 Pez Batalla [MSG-CG]
* EMS-VSX1 Quavarze [MSG-CG]
** EMS-VEX1 Quavarze Mass Production Type [MSG-CG]
* EMS-VSX2 Abeja [MSG-CG]
* EMS-VSX3 Tortuga [MSG-CG]
* Nautilus [MSG-CG]
* XM-X2ex (F97) Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai [MSG-CG]

Zanscare Empire

* ZM-A05G Recarl [MSG-VG]
* ZM-D11S Abigor [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S06G Zollidia [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S06S Zoloat [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S08G Zolo [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S08GC Zolo Kai [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S09G Tomliat [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S14S Contio [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S19S Shy-Tarn [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S20S Jabaco [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S21G Bruckeng [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S22G Imperial Rig Shokew [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S22S Rig Shokew [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S24G Gedlav [MSG-VG]
* ZM-S27G Domuttlia [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-A30S Birknau [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-A31A Doggorla [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-D15M Galguyu [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S12G Shokew [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S13G Godzorla [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S16G Memedorza [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S28S Gengaozo [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S29 Zanneck [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S33S Gottrlatan [MSG-VG]
* ZMT-S34S Rig Contio [MSG-VG]

Macedonia Army

* Gigacy [MSG-VG]
* MW544B Sandhoge [MSG-VG]
* RGM-109M-5 Heavygun [MSG-VG]


* α000-0001 Gaia Gear α [MSG-GG]
* Dochadi [MSG-GG]
* Dochadi Dh-3b [MSG-GG]
* Gaiyas [MSG-GG]
* RX-110 Zorin Soul [MSG-GG]
* RX-110 Refined Zorin Soul [MSG-GG]


* Bromb Texter Production Type [MSG-GG]
* Bromb Texter Improved Type [MSG-GG]
* Bromb Texter Pre-Production Type "Zero" [MSG-GG]
* Gids Geese [MSG-GG]
* UM-190A Gussa [MSG-GG]
** UM-190B.I Gussa [MSG-GG]
** UM-190B.II Gussa Improved Performance Type [MSG-GG]


* G2-SAVIOUR G "Second" -Saviour [MSG-SAV]
* G3-SAVIOUR G "Third" -Saviour [MSG-SAV]
* I-SAVIOUR Illusion [MSG-SAV]
* RGM-196 Freedom [MSG-SAV]


* Cattle [MSG-ZZ]
* Geze [MSG-ZZ]


* MMS-DS209 Guppy [MSG-SAV]
* MWS-19051G D Gundam "First" (Note: Mobile Worker) [MSG-DF]
* MWS-19051G-2 D Gundam "Second" (Note: Mobile Worker) [MSG-DF]
* MW544B Sandhoge [MSG-VG]
* RGM-109M-5 Heavygun [MSG-VG]

ee also

*Mobile Weapons by series

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