

Sultana (Arabic: سلطانه ) has multiple meanings:
* Sultana (grape) is a variety of white seedless grape, especially in its dried form as a type of raisin
* Sultana (title) is a common Western styling for the wife of a Sultan or a female Sultan
* Sultana (village) is a place in Rajasthan, India
* Sultana (snail) is a terrestrial mollusk, or land snail
* Sultana is commonly used throughout Middle Eastern countries as a popular female name
* Sultana bird is another name for the Purple swamphen
* Sultana is the name of a female Turkish hip hop musician
* Sultana (bandit), a notorious dacoit at Najibabad in Western Uttar Pradesh in the early 20th century
* Sultana (actress), Indian actress of the 1920s and 1930s, daughter of Fatma Begum

Several ships are named Sultana:
* Admiral ship of the Ottoman Navy during the Battle of Lepanto (1571)
* HMS "Sultana", a Royal Navy schooner that patrolled the American coast from 1768–1772
** "Sultana" (reconstruction) is a reconstruction of the 1768 schooner which was launched in 2001 at Chestertown, MD
* The "Sultana" (Omani ship), the first ship from the Sultanate of Oman to visit the New World bearing the personal greetings and the representative of Sultan Said bin Sultan in 1840
* The "Sultana" (passenger ship), a passenger ship which transported Irish immigrants from Liverpool, England to New York City in 1843
* "Sultana" (steamboat), a steamboat that exploded and sank in 1865, killing 1,700 people

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  • Sultana — steht für: die weibliche Form des Titels Sultan, dt. Sultanin Sultana (Rebsorte) Sultana (Schauspielerin) Sultana (Călărași), Dorf in Rumänien Schiffsnamen Sultana (Flaggschiff) der Osmanen während der Seeschlacht von Lepanto HMS Sultana,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Sultana — puede referir a: Femenino de Sultán. SS Sultana, barco de vapor destruido en 1895. Unos 1.800 pasajeros murieron. Sultanina, un tipo de uva pasa. Sultana, una marca de autobuses de Mexico, ver Grupo Industrial Ramirez. Esta página de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sultana — Sul*ta na, n. [It.] 1. The wife of a sultan; a sultaness. [1913 Webster] 2. pl. A kind of seedless raisin produced near Smyrna in Asiatic Turkey. [1913 Webster] {Sultana bird} (Zo[ o]l.), the hyacinthine, or purple, gallinule. See Illust. under… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sultană — SULTÁNĂ, sultane, s.f. Soţie sau fiică de sultan. – Sultan + suf. ă. cf. fr. s u l t a n e . Trimis de rain drop, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  sultánă s. f., g. d. art. sultánei; pl. sultáne Tri …   Dicționar Român

  • sultana — 1580s, from It. sultana, fem. of sultano (see SULTAN (Cf. sultan)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • sultana — [sult′ n issul tan′ə, sultä′nə] n. [It < Ar sulṭāna, fem. of sulṭān: see SULTAN] 1. the wife of a sultan, or the mother, sister, or daughter of a sultan: also sultaness [sult′ n is] 2. a mistress, esp. of a king, prince, etc. 3. a) a small,… …   English World dictionary

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