

Bowring is a surname, and may refer to

*Charles R. Bowring (1840-1890) - Newfoundland politician and merchant
*Eva Bowring (1892-1985) - Nebraska politician
*John Bowring (1792-1872), an English political economist and writer, governed Hong Kong from 1854 to 1859
*J. C. Bowring (1820 - 1893), the eldest son of Sir John Bowring.
*Lewin Bentham Bowring, son of Sir John Bowring
*Edgar Alfred Bowring (1826 - 1911), British translator and author, son of Sir John Bowring
*William Bowring (born 1874)
*Kevin Bowring, former rugby union player and coach.

ee also

*Benjamin Bowring, a ship
*Bowring Brothers Limited
*Bowring Ranch State Historical Park - Nebraska
*Bowring Park - St. John's, Newfoundland
*Bowring Park - Liverpool, England.

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  • Bowring — ist der Name folgender Personen Benjamin Bowring (1778–1846), englisch kanadischer Uhrmacher, Juwelier und Geschäftsmann Charles R. Bowring (1840–1890), kanadischer Politiker Eva Kelly Bowring (1892–1985), Senatorin des US Bundesstaates Nebraska …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bowring — (spr. Bauring), John, geb. 1792 zu Exeter in Devonshire, widmete sich der Handlung u. aus persönlicher Neigung der Sprachwissenschaft. Er sammelte auf seinen Reisen Volkslieder, die er zum Theil ins Englische übertrug. Er kämpfte für die… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Bowring — (spr. bauring), Sir John, engl. Staatsmann, nationalökonomischer Schriftsteller und Reisender, geb. 17. Okt. 1792 zu Exeter in Devonshire, gest. 23. Nov. 1872 in Claremont, erwarb sich auf ausgedehnten Reisen umfassende Kenntnisse der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Bowring — (spr. bauring), Sir John, engl. Politiker, Reisender und Schriftsteller, geb. 17. Okt. 1792 zu Exeter, kämpfte als Mitglied des Unterhauses eifrig für die Freihandelsprinzipien, 1849 56 in China zuletzt als Gouverneur von Hongkong, gest. 23. Nov …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Bowring — (Bauring), John, der bedeutendste Schüler Benthams, geb. zu Exeter in Devonshire 1792, beobachtete auf seinen vielen Handelsreisen mit Scharfblick die Verhältnisse und Interessen der Völker, suchte die Benthamʼschen Lehren zu verbreiten und… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Bowring — This interesting surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is an occupational name , deriving from the Olde English pre 7th Century bur meaning a chamber , and ing , in this context, a friend or servant , one who looked after the bower chamber in a… …   Surnames reference

  • Bowring Park — is the name of two parks. Bowring Park in St. John s, Newfoundland, Canada, and Bowring Park near Liverpool, England.The first is better known and was given to the city in 1911 by the Bowring family in celebration of the 100 years they had been… …   Wikipedia

  • Bowring Ranch State Historical Park — is located north of Merriman, Nebraska in Cherry County, near the South Dakota border.The park was originally a ranch owned by Arthur and Eva Bowring (the first female United States Senator from Nebraska). Senator Bowring willed her ranch to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bowring Park, Merseyside — Bowring Park is a small suburb in the borough of Knowsley, Merseyside, England.DescriptionBowring Park is located between the Childwall and Roby districts and adjacent to the M62 motorway.Court Hey Park and the Nation Wildflower Centre are the… …   Wikipedia

  • Bowring, Oklahoma — Bowring is a small community in Osage County, Oklahoma. The post office was established November 12, 1923. It is said to have been named from the combination of the names of two local ranchers, Mart Bowhan and Richard Woodring.ources*Shirk,… …   Wikipedia

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