- TeXnicCenter
name = TeXnicCenter
caption = TeXnicCenter screenshot
collapsible = yes
developer = The TeXnicCenter Team
latest_release_version = 1 Beta 7.50
latest_release_date =June 21 ,2008
operating_system = Windows
genre =LaTeX
license = GPL
website = http://www.texniccenter.orgTeXnicCenter is a free
open source IDE for theLaTeX typesetting language. It uses theMiKTeX orTeX Live distributions. It allows the user to type documents in LaTeX and to compile them in PDF, DVI or PS. A menu gives access easily to precoded elements and environments (formulas, symbols, sections). It also allows for the creation of projects to organise and access the sections and environments of documents, and to insert a bibliography (usingBibTeX ) and an index (usingMakeIndex ).To use TeXLive 2005 distribution, you need to make a minor change to the output profiles by replacing each of the output argument options with their Unix format variants (even for running on Windows), e.g. the command line arguments "%pm" becomes "%Pm" and "%bm" becomes "%Bm".
Interoperability with other software
TeXnicCenter has been designed to work with the
MiKTeX distribution. After installation, TeXnicCenter recognizes MiKTeX and sets up the paths to command-line compilers bundled with MiKTeX automatically. Similarly, Adobe Acrobat Reader/Professional and Foxit Reader, when available, is configured as a viewer for the generated PDF documents. Acrobat can also be configured to close an opened PDF file before recompiling it with LaTeX. These operations are accomplished usingDynamic Data Exchange calls, documented in [http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACOverview.pdf Acrobat Interapplication Communication Overview] and [http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACReference.pdf Acrobat Interapplication Communication Reference] .Instructions on how to set up TeXnicCenter to work with Adobe Acrobat Reader/Professional 7.x can be found in [http://texnik.dante.de/cgi-bin/mainFAQ.cgi?file=gui/TeXnikCenter] . The same instructions apply to Adobe Acrobat Reader/Professional 8.0.0, but the DDE calls have to be modified as proposed in [http://www.adobeforums.com/cgi-bin/webx/.3bc27d26] because of a bug in this version of Acrobat.
ee also
Comparison of text editors
*List of text editors
*LyX , anopen source cross-platform editor and shell
*Texmaker , anopen source cross-platform editor and shell
*WinShell , afreeware editorExternal links
* [http://www.texniccenter.org/ TeXnicCenter homepage]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/texniccenter/ TeXnicCenter] onSourceForge
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