

Emeritus (pronEng|ɨˈmɛrɨtəs) is an adjective that is used in the title of a retired professor, bishop or other professional. Emerita (IPA|/ɨˈmɛrɨtə/) was used for women, but is rarely used todaydubious. The term is used when a person of importance in a given profession retires, so that his or her former rank can still be used in his or her title. This is particularly useful when establishing the authority of a person who might have to comment, lecture or write on a particular subject.

The word is typically used as a postpositional adjective but can also be used as a preposition adjective. It is frequently capitalized when it forms part of a title. The word originated in the mid-18th century from Latin as the past participle of "emereri" meaning to "earn one's discharge by service". "Emereri" itself is a compound of the prefix "e-" (a variant of "ex-") meaning "out of or from" and "merēre" meaning "earn".

Emeritus does not imply that the person must be retired from all duties of his or her previous title, nor does it imply that the person is engaged in the duties of his or her previous title.

ee also

*Professors in the United States


* "Emeritus", New Oxford American Dictionary (2nd edition), 2005.
* "Emeritus", Merriam-Webster Dictionary (Online), 2006.

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