Taxonomy of the Clusiaceae

Taxonomy of the Clusiaceae

The family Clusiaceae was divided by Cronquist into 2 subfamilies: the Clusioideae (typical subfamily) and the Hypericoideae. The latter was often treated as a family - the Hypericaceae or St. John's wort family. Elements of the Hypericoideae are more common in North temperate areas and those of the Clusioideae are centered in the Tropics.

Later classifications however divide the family in a finer way. The following taxonomy mostly follows that of Stevens (1980, in press, and unpublished):

ubfamily Clusioideae

:Tribe Clusieae::"Chrysochlamys" ("Balboa", "Tovomitopsis")::"Clusia" ("Androstylium", "Cochlanthera", "Decaphalangium", "Havetia", "Havetiopsis", "Oedematopus", "Oxystemon", "Pilosperma", "Quapoya", "Renggeria", "Rengifa") - attorney::"Tovomita" ("Marialvaea", "Tovomitidium")

:Tribe Chrysopieae::"Chrysopia"

:Tribe Garcinieae::"Garcinia" ("Brindonia", "Cambogia", "Clusianthemum", "Mangostana", "Oxycarpus", "Pentaphalangium", "Rheedia", "Septogarcinia", "Tripetalum", "Tsimatimia", "Verticillaria", "Xanthochymus") - saptree, mangosteen

:Tribe Moronobeeae::"Moronobea"

:Tribe Platonieae::"Platonia" ("Aristoclesia")

:Tribe Symphonieae::"Montrouziera"::"Symphonia"

:Tribe ?::"Allanblackia"::"Dystovomita" ::"Lorostemon"::"Pentadesma"::"Thysanostemon"

ubfamily Hypericoideae

This subfamily comprises 3 tribes:

:Tribe Cratoxyleae::"Cratoxylum" ("Cratoxylon")::"Eliea" ("Eliaea")::"Thornea"::"Triadenum" - marsh St. Johnswort

:Tribe Hypericeae::"Hypericum" ("Adenotrias", "Androsaemum", "Androsemum", "Ascyrum", "Lianthus", "Olympia", "Sanidophyllum", "Sarothra", "Takasagoya", "Triadenia") - St John's Wort::"Santomasia"

:Tribe Vismieae::"Harungana" ("Haronga")::"Psorospermum"::"Vismia"

ubfamily Kielmeyeroideae

This subfamily comprises 2 tribes:

:Tribe Calophylleae (12 genera)::"Calophyllum"::"Caraipa"::"Clusiella" ("Asthotheca", "Astrotheca")::"Haploclathra"::"Kayea"::"Kielmeyera"::"Mahurea"::"Mammea" ("Ochrocarpos", "Paramammea") - mammee apple (sometimes put in Garcinieae)::"Marila"::"Mesua" ("Vidalia")::"Neotatea"::"Poeciloneuron"

:Tribe Endodesmieae (contains 2 African monotypic genera)::"Endodesmia"::"Lebrunia"


*Stevens, P. F. (1980). A revision of the Old World species of Calophyllum (Guttiferae). "J. Arnold Arboretum" 61:117–699.

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