- KnowledgeWeb Project
The KnowledgeWeb Project is a learning
web site aboutknowledge envisioned and supervised by James Burke and theJames Burke Institute for Innovation in Education . It is anon-profit , allvolunteer project, currently in development phase.The mission of the site is to present knowledge in a highly interconnected, holistic way. The goal is not only to inform about the scientists, artists, innovators and explorers of history but also to find the connections between them and impact they have had on modern life. Burke and the KnowledgeWeb have a focus on the connections between "people" - who met whom, who worked for whom, who was friends with whom. KnowlegeWeb is designed to be an interactive teaching tool as well as a reference tool. Because the K-Web is designed also for schools, users are able to choose whether to see only vetted, or other content as well.
See also
Wikiversity External links
* [http://www.k-web.org The KnowledgeWeb Project]
* [http://k-web.org/details/index.html#works video overview (see bottom of page)]
* [http://www.newhorizons.org/strategies/technology/bonne2.htm The Web of Knowledge: Vision, Design, and Practice - an article about the KnowledgeWeb Project]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.