

Galguduud ( _so. Galguduud) is an administrative region ("gobolka") in central Somalia. It is bordered by Ethiopia, the Somali regions of Mudug, Hiiraan and Middle Shabele, and the Indian Ocean. The capital is Dhusa Mareb but the largest and commercial city is Caabudwaaq (Abudwak).

Galgaduud is known for its peace and security despite clan diversity and general opposition to the government. Among the Somali regions that have large number of livestock, goats that have the best taste of quality meat in Somalia are found in Galgadud region.

The district of Ceelbuur (former Mudug regional capital) is a historic place. Ceelbuur is the only place where its people go to mining for their livelihood in the whole country of Somalia. The craftsmen there make beautiful Burjikos and Dabqaads. The Somali charcoal-fired cooking stove made entirely of crafted Sepiolite stone mined in the Ceelbuur region.

The region has also various mineral resources including the largest deposits of uranium in the African continent.__TOC__


*Dhusa Mareb Capital


*Ceel Burtuble
*Ceel Xireed
*Maraay Suuleey
*Bali Cad
*Axmed Gurey
*laan dawdawle
*Qabriyo shiikh
*Habar Irir
*Biyo gaduud
*Maalin nugur
*Ceelka Qod qod
*Ceel Baxay

Clans in Galguduud

***Waesli or Warculus
**Habar Gidir

***Reer Siyaad Xussein
****Reer Gediid
****Reer Allamagan
****Reer Wardheere
****Cumar Dheer
***Reer Guleed Faarax
***Reer Diini Faarax
*****Reer Dalal
*****Reer Hersi
*****Reer Siyaad
*****Reer Warsame
*****Reer Kooshin
*****Reer Nuur
****Reer gacal
****Reer Qumane
****Reer Fiqi Yusuf
****Reer Gurey
***Habar ciise

**Fiqi Muhumud
**Guuled Agoon

External links

* [] (Picture of a Burjiko and Dabqaad)

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