

An osteophone is an instrument for transmission of auditory vibrations through the bones of the head. This is useful for people deaf from causes other than those affecting the nervous apparatus of hearing, and as an alternative to headphones which leaves the ears unobstructed. The Félin combat system uses a headband with an osteophone in the latter role.

See also

* Bonephone

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  • Osteophone — Os te*o*phone, n. [Gr. oste on bone + fwnh voice.] An instrument for transmission of auditory vibrations through the bones of the head, so as to be appreciated as sounds by persons deaf from causes other than those affecting the nervous apparatus …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ostéophone — ● ostéophone nom masculin Appareil qui permet de transmettre les sons extérieurs à l oreille interne, grâce à la conductibilité des os. (Les vibrateurs des appareils de correction auditive sont des ostéophones.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • osteophone — (ˈɒstiːəʊfəʊn) [f. osteo + Gr. ϕωνή sound, after telephone, etc.] An instrument for the transmission of sound waves through the teeth and the cranial bones to the auditory nerve, for the use of the deaf; = audiphone. in Syd. Soc. Lex …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Bonephone — Bonephones are headsets that create vibrations against the head, in order to transmit sound to a listener via bone conduction. The term bonephones is generally used to describe modern lightweight bone conduction headsets that are designed for… …   Wikipedia

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