- Girolamo Fracastoro
Girolamo Fracastoro (Fracastorius) (1478‑
August 8 ,1553 ) was an Italianphysician ,scholar (inmathematics ,geography andastronomy ),poet andatomist .Born of an ancient family in Verona, and educated at
Padua where at 19 he was appointedprofessor at the University. On account of his eminence in the practice of medicine, he was elected physician of theCouncil of Trent . A bronze statue was erected in his honor by the citizens of Padua, while his native city commemorated their great compatriot by a marble statue. He lived and practised in his hometown. In 1546 he proposed that epidemic diseases are caused by transferable tiny particles or "spores" that could transmitinfection by direct or indirect contact or even without contact over long distances. In his writing, the "spores" of disease may refer to chemicals rather than to any living entities."I call fomites [from the Latin "fomes", meaning "tinder"] such things as clothes, linen, etc., which although not themselves corrupt, can nevertheless foster the essential seeds of the contagion and thus cause infection." ["On Contagion, Contagious Diseases and Their Cure" (1546) by Girolamo Fracastoro (1478-1553)]
His theory remained influential for nearly three centuries, before being displaced by germ theory. [http://www2.bartleby.com/65/fr/Fracasto.html "The Columbia Encyclopedia", Sixth Edition. 2001-05.]
The name for
syphilis is derived from Fracastoro's 1530 epic poem in three books, "Syphilis sive morbus gallicus" ("Syphilis or The French Disease"), about a shepherd named Syphilus. The poem suggests using mercury and "guaiaco" as a cure. His 1546 book ("De contagione" -- "On Contagion") also gave the first description fortyphus . The collected works of Fracastoro appeared for the first time in 1555.Fracastoro's landmarks in Verona
Fracastoro's statue. An ancient statue (1559) dedicated to Fracastoro is standing on a beautiful arch in the central Piazza dei Signori,in
Verona , just behind the monument toDante Alighieri . On the basement, the following inscription can be read: "HIER FRACASTORIO PAULLI PHILIPPI F EX PUBLICA AUCTORITATE DICATA AN SAL MDLIX". According to a popular legend the stone ball Fracastoro keeps in his right hand, symbolizing the world, will fall on the first honourable person walking under the arch. As a matter of fact, many hundreds of people pass every day under the arch but the ball, after more than four Centuries, still remains in its place.Works
*"Syphilidis, sive Morbi Gallici" (1530)
*"Di Vini Temperatura" (1534)
*"Homocentricorum sive de Stellis, de Causis Criticorum Dierum Libellus" (1535)
*"Homocentrica" (1538)
*"De Contagione et Contagiosis Morbis" (1546)
*"Syphilis sive de morbo gallico" (1539, poem)References
* The Latin text available in Google Books (see link below) is from "Poemata selecta Italorum: qui seculo decimo sexto latine scripserunt". Oxford and London: Slatter et Munday (Ox.) Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme (London) 1808, p. 65-110.Footnote
External links
* [http://digilander.libero.it/camdic/FRACASTORO.htm Hieronymus Fracastorius]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=0YsHAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA65&dq=Hieronymi+Fracastorii&ei=wJLuRuTBDpvy6wLjgZWcBw#PPA86,M1| Complete text in Latin from Google Books]
* [https://eee.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/PlaguesandPeople/week4b.html| Excerpts of an English translation of "Syphilis sive Morbus Gallicus"]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=JX4JAAAAIAAJ&dq=Girolamo+Fracastoro&ei=9ZHuRvjIMIz06gL-76nOCA| German translation from Google Books]
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=VUoJAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=%22qui+casus+rerum+varii%22&source=web&ots=XtvlRM14Y8&sig=8iW_nO-hWtAkUAjWqUfCU3mB-Sw#PPA1,M1| A French translation facing the Latin original from Google Books]
* [http://feb.1979.med-bib.com/384722.htm Seasonal and periodic rhythms of infectious diseases (abstract)]
* [http://himetop.wikidot.com/girolamo-fracastoro Some places and memories related to Girolamo Fracastoro]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.