Luigi Cossa

Luigi Cossa

Luigi Cossa (May 27, 1831 - May 10, 1896), Italian economist, was born at Milan.

Educated at the universities of Pavia, Vienna and Leipzig, he was appointed professor of political economy at Pavia in 1858.

Through his inspiring teaching he has formed a generation of Italian economists into a school. In Germany he had studied with Roscher and this encouraged him to take up work in the history of economics. He emphasised not so much a particular view of the discipline, but rather on sound methods. His "Guida allo studio dell economia politica" is essentially a history of economics.

Apart from this Cossa was the author of several other works which established him a high reputation.

Major works

*"Scienza delle Finanze" (1875, English translation 1888 under title "Taxation, its Principles and Methods")
*"Guida allo studio dell economia politica" (1876, English translation 1880), an admirable compendium of the theoretical preliminaries of economics, with a brief critical history of the science and an excellent bibliography
*"Introduzione allo studio deli economia politica" (1876, English translation by L Dyer, 1893)
*"Saggi di economia politica", 1878.

econdary source

* M. Blaug (ed.) - "Who's who in economics" (3d edition), 1999.----

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