- Flavius Cresconius Corippus
Flavius Cresconius Corippus was a late Roman
epic poet of the 6th century, who flourished under East Roman EmperorsJustinian I andJustin II . His major works are the epic poem "Johannis" and the panegyric "In laudem Justini minoris". Corippus was probably the last important Latin author ofLate Antiquity .He was a native of "
Africa ", and in one of the manuscripts is called "grammaticus" (teacher). He has sometimes been identified, but on insufficient grounds, withCresconius Africanus , a Catholic bishop (7th century), author of a "Concordia Canonum", or collection of the laws of the church.Nothing is known of Corippus beyond what is contained in his own poems. He appears to have held the office of tribune or notary ("scriniarius") under Anastasius, imperial treasurer and chamberlain of
Justinian I , at the end of whose reign he left "Africa" forConstantinople , apparently in consequence of having lost his property during the Moorish and Vandal wars.He was the author of two poems, of considerable importance for the history of the times> One of these, "Johannis" or "De bellis Libycis", the earlier of the two, was not discovered till the beginning of the nineteenth century. It was dedicated to the nobles of
Carthage and relates the overthrow of theMoors by aJohn Troglita , "magister militum " in 546. "Johannis" is in eight books (the last is unfinished) and contains about 5000hexameter s. The narrative commences with the despatch of Johannis to the theatre of war by Justinian, and ends with the decisive victory near Carthage (548).The other poem,"In laudem Justini minoris" ("In praise of the younger Justin"), in four books, contains the death of Justinian, the coronation of his successor
Justin II (November 13 ,565 ); and the early events of his reign. It is preceded by a preface, and a short and fulsome panegyric on Anastasius, the poet's patron. The "Laus" was published at Antwerp in 1581 by Michael Ruyz Azagra, secretary to theemperor Rudolf II , from a ninth- or tenth-century manuscript.The preface contains a reference to a previous work by the author on the wars in Africa; and although
Johannes Cuspinianus in his "De Caesaribus et Imperatoribus" professed to have seen a manuscript of it in the library atBuda (destroyed bySuleiman II in 1527), it was not till 1814 that it was discovered at Milan by Cardinal Mazzucchelli, librarian of theBiblioteca Ambrosiana , from the "codex Trivultianus" (in the Biblioteca Trivulziana, the library of the marchesi Trivulzi), the only manuscript of the "Johannis" extant.The "Johannis" "is not only a valuable historic source but a work of marked poetic merit." [M.L.W. Laistner, "Thought and Letters in Western Europe" (Cornell: University Press, 1957), p. 113.] It provides a description of the land and people of Late Roman Africa, which conscientiously records the impressions of an intelligent native observer; many of his statements as to manners and customs are confirmed both by independent ancient authorities (such as
Procopius ) and by our knowledge of the modernBerbers .Virgil , Lucan, andClaudian were the poet's chief models. The "Laus", which was written when he was advanced in years, although marred by a "Byzantine" servility and gross flattery of a by no means worthy object, throws much light upon Late Roman court ceremony, as in the account of the accession of Justin and the reception of the embassy of the Avars.On the whole the language and metre of Corippus, considering the age in which he lived and the fact that he was not a native Italian, is remarkably pure. That he was a
Christian is rendered probable by negative indications, such as the absence of all the usual mythological accessories of an epic poem, positive allusions to texts of Scripture, and the highly orthodox passage "Laus" iv. 294 ff. The editions of the "Johannis" by P. Mazzucchelli (1820) and of the "Laus" byPierre-François Foggini (1797) are still valuable for their commentaries. They are both included in the 28th volume of the "Bonn Corpus scriptorum historice Byzantinae".Editions
* Averil Cameron: "Flavius Cresconius Corippus: In laudem Iustini Augusti minoris (in praise of Justin II)". London 1976 (Translation and commentary).
* George W. Shea: "The Iohannis or de Bellis Libycis of Flavius Cresconius Corippus (Studies in Classics 7)". Lewiston/NY 1998 (Translation).References
* Averil Cameron: "Corippus' Poem on Justin II. A Terminus of Antique Art?". In: "Annali Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa", Ser. III. 5 (1975), pp. 129-165.
* Heinz Hofmann: "Corippus, Flavius Cresconius". In: "Der Neue Pauly", Vol. 3 (1997), pp. 165f.
* John Martindale: "The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire IIIa". Cambridge 1992, p. 354f.
* Ulrich-Justus Stache: "Flavius Cresconius Corippus. In Laudem Justini Augusti minoris. Ein Kommentar". PhD-Thesis, Berlin 1976.Footnotes
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