Battle of Lepanto order of battle

Battle of Lepanto order of battle

This is the order of battle during the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571 in which the Holy League deployed 6 galleasses and 206 galleys, while the Ottoman forces numbered 216 galleys and 56 galliots.

The Fleet of the Holy League¹

The combined Christian fleet was placed under the command of John of Austria ("Don Juan d'Austria") with Marcantonio Colonna as his principal deputy.

The Left Wing

Commanded by Agostino Barbarigo (53 galleys, 2 galleasses)

*"Venetian Galleasses" (2)
**Galleass of Ambrogio Bragadin
**Galleass of Antonio Bragadin

*"Venetian Galleys" (39)
**"Lanterna" of Venice – Agostino Barbarigo
**"?" ("capitana") of VeniceMarco Querini
**"Fortune" of Venice – Andrea Barbarigo †
**"Three Hands" of Venice – Giorgio Barbarigo
**"Two Dolphins" of Candia – Francesco Zeni
**"Lion and Phoenix" of Candia – Francesco Mengano
**"Christ" of Candia (I) – Giovanni Corner
**"Angel" of Candia – Giovanni Angelo
**"Pyramid" of Candia – Francesco Bono †
**"Resurrected Christ" of Venice (I) – Simone Guoro
**"Resurrected Christ" of Venice (II) – Federico Renieri
**"Christ" of Corfu – Cristoforo Condocali
**"Madonna" of Candia – Filippo Polani
**"Seahorse" of Candia – Antonio Di Cavalli
**"Twin Lions" of Candia – Nicolo Fradello
**"Lion" of Capodistria – Dominico del Tago
**"Resurrected Christ" of Candia (I) – Giorgio Calergi
**"Christ" of Venice (I) – Bartolomeo Donato
**"Christ" of Candia (II) – Giovanni Corneri
**"Resurrected Christ" of Candia (II) – Francesco Zancaruoli
**"Kodus" of Candia –
**"Santa Euphemia" of Brescia – Orazio Fisogna
**"Blessed" of Candia –
**"Seahorse" of Venice –
**"Christ" of Candia (III} – Danielo Calefatti
**"Arm" of Candia – Nicolo Lippomano
**"Our Lady" of Zante – Nicolo Mondini
**"Resurrected Christ" of Candia (III) –
**"Our Lady" of Venice (I) – Marcantonio Pisani
**"Santa Dorothea" of Venice – Polo Nani
**"Ketianana" of Retimo (Rethymno) – Nicolo Avonali
**"Lion's Head" of Istria
**"God the Father, over the Holy Trinity" of Venice – Giovanni Marino Contarini †
**"Resurrected Christ" of Venice (III) – Giovanni Battista Querini
**"Angel" of Venice – Onfre Giustiniani
**"Cross" of Cephalonia – Marco Cimera
**"Virgin Saint" of Cephalonia – Cristoforo Criffa
** "Resurrected Christ" of Cherso – Lodovico Cicuta
**"San Nicolò" of Veglia – Colane Drascio

*"Spanish and Neapolitan Galleys" (12)
**"Lomellina" (Spanish) – Agostino Cancuale
**"Flame" of Naples – Juan de las Cuevas
**"San Giovanni" of Naples – García de Vergara
**"Envy" of Naples – Teribio de Accaves
**"Blessed" of Naples –
**"San Jacopo" of Naples – Moferat Guardiola
**"San Nicola" of Naples – Cristóbal de Mongiu
**"Victory" of Naples – Occava Di Rocadi
**"Fortune" of St Andrew – Giovanni Alvigi Belvi
**3 unnamed Spanish or Neapolitan galleys

*"Papal Galley" (1)
**"Reign" (Papal) – Fabio Valicati

*"Genoese Galley" (1)
**"Marches" of Doria – Francesco San Fedra

=The Center Division=

Commanded by Don Juan of Austria (62 galleys, 2 galleasses)

*"Venetian Galleasses" (2)
**Galleass of Jacopo Guoro
**Galleass of Francesco Duodo

*"Venetian Galleys" (29)
**"?" ("capitana") of Venice - Sebastiano Venier
**"?" ("capitana") of Lomellini (I) - Paolo Giordano I Orsini
**"?" ("padrona") of Lomellini - Pier Battista Lomellini
**"?" ("capitana") of Man - Giorgio d'Asti
**"San Giovanni" of Venice - Pietro Badoaro
**"Judith" of Zante - Marino Sicuro
**"St Alexander" of Bergamo - Giovanni Antonio Colleone
** "St. Jerome" of Lesina/Lissa - Giovanni Balci
**"Our Lady" of Venice (II) - Giovanni Zeni
**"Christ" of Venice {II) - Girolamo Contarini
**"Wheels of the Serpent" of Venice - Gabrio da Canale
**"Pyramid" of Venice
**"San Christoforo" of Venice - Alessandro Contarini
**"Armelino" of Candia - Pietro Gradenigo
**"Middle Moon" of Venice - Valerio Valleresso
**"Man of the Sea" of Vicenza - Jacopo Draffrano
**"Palm" of Venice - Girolamo Veniero †
**"San Giovanni Battista" (St John the Baptist) of Venice - Giovanni Mocenigo
**"Christ" of Venice (III)
**"San Giovanni" of Venice
**"Tree Trunk" of Venice - Girolamo Canale
**"Mongibeilo" of Venice - Bertucci Contarini
**"Virgin" of Candia -
**"San Theodoro" of Venice - Theodoro Balbi
**"Mountain" of Candia - Alessandro Vizzamano
**"Passaro" of Venice - Niccolò Tiepolo
**"Lion" of Venice - Pietro Pisani
**"San Girolamo" of Venice - Gasparo Malipiero
**1 unnamed Venetian galley

*"Genoese Galleys" (8)
**"?" ("capitana") of Genoa - Ettore Spinola
**"?" ("capitana") of Gil d'Andrada - Bernardo Cinoguera
**"?" ("padrona") of Genoa - Pellerano
**"?" ("padrona") of David Imperiali - Nicola da Luvanc
**"Pearl" (Andrea Doria} - Giovanni Battista Spinola
**"Temperance" - Ciprian di Mari
**"Victory" (Andrea Doria) - Filippo Doria
**"Pyramid" (Andrea Doria) - Marcantonio Uliana

*"Spanish and Neapolitan Galleys" (16)
**"?" ("real") (Spanish) - Don Juan of Austria's flagship
**"?" ("capitana") of Castille (Spanish} - Luis de Requesens
**"?" ("capitana") of Savoy (Savoyard) - Prince of Urbino, Admiral of Savoy
**"?" ("patrona real") (Spanish) - Requesens or Juan Bautista Cortés (?)
**"?" ("capitana") of Bandinelli (Neapolitan) - Bendinelli Sauli
**"?" ("capitana") of Grimaldi (Neapolitan) - Georgio Grimaldi
**"?" ("patrona") of Naples - Francisco de Benavides
**"Roccaful" of Spain - Roccaful
**"San Francisco" of Spain - Cristóbal Vázquez
**"Granada" of Spain - Paolo Bottino
**"Figuiera" of Spain - Diego López de Ilianos
**"Luna" ("Moon") of Spain - Manuel de Aguilar
**"Fortune" of Naples - Diego de Medrano
**"Mendoza" of Naples - Martino de Caide
**"St George" of Naples - Eugenio de Vargas
**1 unnamed Spanish or Neapolitan galley

*"Papal Galleys" (6) (including Tuscan contingent)
**"?" ("capitana") of His Holiness - Marcantonio Colonna; flagship of the Papal contingent
**"Tuscany" (Tuscany) - Metello Caracciolo
**"Pisa" (Tuscany) - Ercole Lotta
**"Florence" (Tuscany) - Tomaso di Medicis
**"Peace" - Jacopo-Antonio Perpignano
**"Victory" - Baccio di Pisa

*"Galleys of Knights of Malta" (3)
**"Vittoria" ("capitana") of Malta - Justin, Prior of Messina †; flagship of the Maltese contingent
**"Order of St Peter" (San Pietro) - Roquelaure Saint-Aubin
**"Order of St John" (San Giovanni) - Alonso de Tejada

The Right Wing

Commanded by Gian Andrea Doria (53 galleys, 2 galleasses)
*"Venetian Galleasses" (2)
**Galleass of Andrea da Cesare
**Galleass of Pietro Pisani

*"Venetian Galleys" (25)
**"?" ("padrona") of Mani (Parini) – Antonio Corniglia
**"Forces" of Venice – Rinieri Zeni
**"San Giuseppe" of Venice – Nicolo Donato
**"Tower" of Vicenza – Lodovico da Porto
**"Eagle" of Corfu – Pietro Bua †
**"Rema" of Candia –
**"Nino" of Venice – Paulo Polani
**"Resurrected Christ" of Venice (IV) – Benedetto Soranzo
**"Our Lady" of Candia – Marco Foscarini
**"Christ" of Candia (IV) – Francesco Cornero
**"Flame" of Candia – Antonio Boni
**"Eagle" of Candia – Girolamo Zorzi
**"San Cristoforo" of Venice – Andrea Troni
**"Christ" of Venice (IV) – Marcantonio Lando †
**"Hope" of Candia – Girolamo Cornaro †
**"Palm" of Candia – Jacopo di Mezzo †
**"Angel" of Corfu – Stelio Calichiopulo
**"Ship" of Venice – Antonio Pasqualigo
**"Eagle" of Retimo – Pietro Pisano
**"San Giovanni" of Arbe – Giovanni de Dominis
**"Our Lady" of Friuli (Traits) -
**"Reality" of Padua -
**"La donna" of Traù – Lucio Cipico
**"San Trifone" of Cattaro - Gerolamo Bizanti
**1 unnamed Venetian galley

*"Spanish and Neapolitan Galleys" (10)
**"Sicilian" – Francesco Amadei
**"Piedmont" (Savoyard) – Ottavio Moretto †
**"Margaret" of Savoy (Savoyard) – Battaglino
**"Cingana" of Naples – Gabriel de Medina
**"Moon" of Naples – Julio Rubio
**"Hope" of Naples – Pedro de Busto
**"Gusmana" of Naples – Francisco de Osedo
**3 unnamed Spanish or Neapolitan galleys

*"Genoese Galleys" (16)
**"?" ("capitana") of Andrea Doria – Andrea Doria
**"?" ("capitana") of Negroni – Giovan Ambrogio Negroni
**"?" ("padrona") of Grimaldi – Lorenzo Trecha
**"?" ("padrona") of Andrea Doria – Giulio Centurioni
**"?" ("padrona") of Negroni – Luigi Gambia
**"?" ("padrona") of Lomellini – Georgio Greco
**"Swordsman" of Retimo –
**"San Vittorio" of Crema – Evangelista Zurla
**"Fury" of Lomellini – Jacopo Chiappe
**"Negrona" – Nicolo da Costa
**"Bastard" of Negrona – Lorenzo da Torre
**"San Triton" of Cataro – Girolamo Bisante
**"Monarch" of Giovan Andrea – Nicolo Garibaldo
**"Maid" of Giovan Andrea – Nicolo Imperiale
**"Urania" of Genoa –
**1 unnamed Genoese galley

*"Papal Galleys" (2)
**"Santa Maria" – Pandolfo Strozzi
**"San Giovanni" – Angelo (or Antonio) Bifali

The Rearguard

Commanded by Don Álvaro de Bazán (38 galleys, including 8 galleys of the Advance Guard)

*"Venetian Galleys" (12)
**"Christ" – Marco da Molino
**"Two Hands" – Giovanni Loredano †
**"Faith" – Giovanni Battista Contarini
**"Pillar" – Caterino Malipiero
**"Magdalene" – Alvigi Balbe
**"Lady" – Giovanni Bembo
**"World" – Filippo Leoni
**"Hope" – Giovanni-Batista Benedetti †
**"San Pietro" – Marco Fiumaco
**"Sybil" – Danielo Troni
**"San Giorgio" of Sebenico – Cristoforo Lucio
**"San Michele" – Giorgio Cochini

*"Spanish and Neapolitan Galleys" (13)
**"La Loba" ("capitana") of Naples - Álvaro de Bazán, 1st Marquis of Santa Cruz
**"?" ("capitana") of Vaicos (Spanish) - Juan Vázquez de Coronado
**"San Giovanni" of Sicily (Spanish) – David Imperiale
**"Crane" (Spanish) – Luis Heredia
**"Leona" of Naples –
**"Constanza" of Naples – Pietro Delagia
**"Marchesa" of Naples – Juan de Machado †
**"Santa Barbara" of Naples – Giovanni de Aschale
**"San Andrea" of Naples –
**"Santa Caterina" of Naples – Juan Rufis de Velasco
**"San Angelo" of Naples –
**"Terana" at Naples – Giovanni de Riva de Neillino
**1 unnamed Spanish or Neapolitan galley

*"Papal Galleys" (3)
**"?" ("padrona") of the PapacyAlfonso d'Appiano
**"Supremacy" – Antonio d'Ascole
**"Serenity" –

*"Genoese Galleys" (2)
**"Baccana" – Giovanni Pietro di Morilo
**1 unnamed Genoese galley

The Vanguard

Commanded by Juan de Cardona (8 galleys attached to the Reserve force)

**"?" ("capitana") of Sicily (Spanish) – Juan de Cardona
**"?" ("padrona") of Sicily (Spanish) –
**"San Giovanni" of Sicily (Spanish) – David Imperiale
**"San Ionics" of Sicily (Spanish) –
**"Santa Magdalena" of Venice – Marino Contarini
**"Sun" of Venice – Vicenzo Quirini †
**"St Catherine" of Venice – Marco Cigogna
**"Our Woman" of Venice – Pier-Francesco Malipiero


The Turkish Fleet²

Supreme command of the Turkish (Ottoman) Fleet was held by Muezzenzade Ali Pasha

The Left Wing

Commanded by Uluch Ali (61 galleys, 32 galliots)

*"Turkish (Constantinople) Galleys" (14)
**Nasur Ferhad
**Kasam Reis
**Osman Reis
**Kiafi Hajji
**Ferhad Ali
**Memi Bey
**Piri Osman
**Piri Reis
**Selim Basti
**Talatagi Reis
**Celebi Reis
**Tartar Ali
**Kafir Hajji
**Karaman Pasha

*"Barbary (Algerian) Galleys" (14)
**Uluj Ali - Wing commander
**Karl Ali
**Karaman Ali
**Alemdar Pasha
**Sinian Celebi
**Amdjazade Mustafa
**Dragud Ali
**Seydi Ali
**Peri Selim
**Murad Darius
**Uluj Reis
**Macasir Ali
**Ionas Osman
**Salim Deli

*"Syrian Galleys" (6)
**Kara Bey
**Dermat Bey
**Osman Bey
**Iusuf Ali
**Kari Alemdar
**Murad Hasan

*"Anatolian Galleys" (13)
**Karali Reis
**Piriman Reis
**Hazuli Sinian
**Chios Mehemet
**Hignau Mustafa
**Cademly Mustafa
**Uschiufly Memy
**Kari Mora
**Darius Pasha
**Piali Osman
**Tursun Osman
**Iosul Piali
**Keduk Seydi

*"Greek (Negropont) Galleys" (14)
**Seydi Reis
**Arnaud Ali
**Chendereli Mustafa
**Mustafa Hajji
**Sali Reis
**Hamid Ali
**Karaman Hyder
**Magyar Fehrad
**Nasur Ferhad
**Nasi Reis
**Kara Rhodi
**Kos Hajji
**Kos Mend
**Karam Bey (Albanian)

*"Turkish (Constantinople) Galliots" (19)
**Uluj Piri Pasha
**Karaman Suleiman
**Haneshi Ahmed
**Hyder Enver
**Nur Memi
**Karaman Reis
**Kaleman Memi
**Guzman Ferhad
**Hunyadis Hasan
**Kemal Murad
**Sarmusal Reis
**Tursun Suleiman
**Celebi Iusuf
**Hascedi Hassan
**Sian Memi
**Osman Dagli
**Karaman Reis
**2 unnamed Turkish galiots

*"Albanian Galiots" (8)
**Deli Murad
**Alemdar Reis
**Sian Siander
**Alemrdar Ali
**Hasan Omar
**Seydi Aga
**Hasan Sinam
**Jami Fazil

*"Anatolian Galiots" (5)
**Kara Alemdhar
**Suzi Memi
**Nabi Reis
**Hasan Osman
**Hunyadi Iusuf

The Center Division

Commanded by Ali Pasha (87 galleys divided into the First Line (among which are the fittest and newest galleys of the fleet) and the Second Line)

First Line

*"Turkish (Constantinople) Galleys" (22)
**Muezzenade Ali Pasha Sultana - Fleet flagship
**Osman Reis - Wing commander
**Portasi Pasha - Commander, embarked troops
**Hasan Pasha (son of Barbarossa)
**Hasan Reis
**Kos Ali
**Kilik Reais
**Uluj Reis
**Piri Uluj Bey
**Dardagan Reis - Governor of the Arsenal
**Deli Osman
**Piri Osman
**Demir Celebi
**Darius Haseki
**Sinian Mustafa
**Heseki Reis
**Hasan Uluj
**Kosem Iusuf
**Aga Ahmed
**Osman Seydi
**Darius Celebi
**Kafar Reis

*"Rhodes Galleys" (12)
**Hasan Rey - Governor of Rhodes (L)
**Deli Chender- Warden of Rhodes (L}
**Osa Reis
**Postana Uluj
**Khalifa Uluj
**Ghazni Reis
**Dromus Reis
**Berber Kali
**Karagi Reis
**Occan Reis
**Deli Ali
**Hajji Aga

*"Black Sea (Bulgarian and Bithynian) Galleys" (13)
**Prauil Aga
**Kara Reis
**Arnaud Reis
**Jami Uluj
**Arnaud Celebi
**Magyar Ali
**Kali Celebi
**Deli Celebi
**Deli Assan
**Kamen Aga
**Sinian Reis
**Kari Mustafa
**Seydi Arnaud

*"Gallipoli Galleys" (4)
**Piri Hamagi
**Ali Reis
**Iusuf Ali
**Sinian Bektashi

*"Greek (Negropont) Galleys" (11)
**Osman Reis
**Mehmed Bey - Governor of Metelina
**Baktashi Uluj
**Baktashi Mustafa
**Sinian Ali
**Agdagi Reis
**Deli Iusuf
**Orphan Ali
**Cali Celebi
**Bagdar Reis
**Hanyadi Mustafa

Second Line

*"Constantinople Galleys" (12)
**Tramontana Reis
**Murad Reis
**Suleiman Celebi
**Deli Ibrahim
**Murad Korosi
**Darnad Ali
**Kari Reis
**Darius Sinian
**Dardagi Ali
**Hyder Carai
**Darius Ali
**Kan Ali

*"Barbary (Tripoli) Galleys" (6)
**Hyder Aga
**Kari Hamat
**Husam Kahlim Ali
**Deram Uluj
**Deydi Ali
**Mohammed Ali

*"Gallipoli Galleys" (7)
**Aziz Khalifa - Governor of Gallipoli
**Selim Sahi
**Seydi Pasha
**Hasan Mustafa
**Hasseri Ali
**Hassan Deli
**Iusuf Seydi

The Right Wing

Commanded by Mehmet Sulik Pasha (60 galleys and 2 galiots)

*"Turkish (Constantinople) Galleys" (20)
**Suleiman Bey
**Kara Mustafa
**Ibrahim Reis
**Suleiman Reis
**Karaman Ibrahim
**Chender Sinian
**Hasan Nabi
**Ali 'Genoese'
**Hali Reis
**Seydi Selim
**Kumar Iusuf
**Bardas Celebi
**Bardas Hasan
**Fazil Ali Bey
**Drusari Piri
**Koda Ali
**Sinaman Mustafa
**Caracoza Ali
**Mustafa Alendi
**Mamara Reis

*"Babary (Tripoli) Galleys" (5)
**Arga Pasha
**Arnaut Ferhad
**Darnad Iusuf
**Suleiman Reis
**Fazil Memi

*"Anatolian Galleys" (13)
**Mehemet Bey
**Maysor Ali
**Amurat Reis
**Kalifi Memi
**Murad Mustafa
**Hyder Mehmet
**Sinian Darius
**Mehmet Darius
**Amdjazade Simian
**Adagi Hasan
**Sinjji Musafa
**Hajji Cebebi
**Tursan Mustafa

*"Egyptian (Alexandrian) Galleys" (22)
**Mehmet Julik Pasha (wing commander)
**Kari Ali
**Herus Reis
**Karas Turbat
**Bagli Serif
**Hasan Celebi
**Osman Celebi
**Dink Kasai
**Osman Occan
**Darius Aga
**Drazed Sinian
**Osman Ali
**Deli Aga
**Dardagut Bardabey
**Kasli Khan
**Iusuf Aga
**Iusuf Magyar
**Khalifa Hyder
**Mustafa Kemal
**Dernadi Piri
**Memi Hasan
**Kari Ali

*"Egyptian (Alexandrian) Galiots" (2)
**Abdul Reis
**Piali Murad

The Rearguard

Commanded by Amuret Dragut Rais (8 galleys and 22 galiots)

*"Greek (Negropont) Galleys" (4)
**Amuret Dragut Reis
**Kaidar Memi
**Deli Dori
**Hasan Sinian

*"Anatolian Galleys" (4)
**Deli Suleiman
**Deli Bey
**Kiafar Bey
**Kasim Sinian

*"Mixed Squadron of Galiots" (22)
**Ali Uluj
**Kara Deli
**Ferhad Kara Ali
**Dardagud Reis
**Kasim Kara
**Hasan Reis
**Alemdar Hasan
**Kos Ali
**Hajji Ali
**Kurtprulu Celebi
**Setagi Meni
**Setagi Osman
**Hyder Ali
**Hyder Deli
**Armad Memi
**Hasan Reis
**Jami Naser
**Nur Ali
**Kari Ali
**Murad Ali
**Iumaz Ali
**Haneschi Murad

Notes on ship nomenclature

1. Several vessels among the fleet of the Holy League bore the same name. Whilst this is not unheard of among ships belonging to different nationalities, some of the said ships belong to the same nation. These did not seem to be of great importance to Christian commanders at that time. In order to avoid confusion, those vessels bearing the same name were suffixed with ordinal number according to nationality (i.e. "Christ" of Candia I, "Christ" of Candia II; "Christ" of Venice I, "Christ" of Venice II, etc.).

2. In contrast to their Western contemporaries, Turkish records only show the names of commanders of the ships instead of the names of the ship themselves.

3. "capitana", "almirante", "padrona", "real" etc. refer to the vessels designation as flagship, deputy flagship etc..


*cite book | last = Braudel | first = Fernand | authorlink = Fernand Braudel | others = trans. Siân Reynolds | year = 1972-73 | title = The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II | edition = 2 vols. | publisher = Collins | location = London | id = ISBN 0-00-211536-0 (vol. 1), ISBN 0-00-211540-9 (vol. 2)
*cite book | last = Konstam | first = Angus | others = illus. Tony Bryan | year = 2003 | title = Lepanto 1571: The Greatest Naval Battle of the Renaissance | publisher = Osprey | location = Oxford | id = ISBN 1-84176-409-4
*cite book | last = Marx | first = Robert F. | year = 1966 | title = The Battle of Lepanto, 1571 | publisher = World Pub | location = Cleveland

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