

Bryaxis (born revoca. 350 BC) was an ancient Greek sculptor. He worked on the mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus which was commissioned by the queen Artemisia II of Caria in memory of her brother and husband, Mausolus. The greatest sculptors of their time, Leochares, Scopas and Timotheus were each one responsible for one side of the grave. The tomb was completed three years after the death of Mausolus and one year after the death of Artemisia.


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  • BRYAXIS — (actif 2e moitié BRYAXIS IVe s.) Sculpteur grec d’origine vraisemblablement carienne, Bryaxis devint citoyen athénien. Il travailla en Attique, à Athènes, où il fit un ex voto dit de l’Anthippasia, dont seule la base décorée d’un triple motif de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • BRYAXIS — sculptor marmorarius, Mausolaeum una cum aliis fecit. Plin. l. 36. c. 5. Pausan. in Atticis, Τοῦ δὲ Α᾿ςκληςιοῦ ἄγαλμα Βρύαξις, καὶ τὴν Υγίειαν ἐπόιηςε …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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