Miguel Ángel Toma

Miguel Ángel Toma

Miguel Ángel Toma is an Argentine Justicialist Party politician.

Toma was a deputy in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies and was a member of the defence and security committees. He lost the internal Peronist primaries in Buenos Aires city to Daniel Scioli, the favoured candidate of President Carlos Menem,[1] and consequently left Congress. Nevertheless, in 1998 Menem appointed him to be Secretary of Security.

In the political crisis of December 2001, Toma was appointed Minister of Justice, Interior, Defense and Human Rights, holding all roles concurrently for just 48 hours.[2]

Toma was the Secretary of Intelligence of Argentina from July 2002[3] to 2003. He was appointed by then President Eduardo Duhalde to replace the previous Secretary Carlos Soria. Under his administration, the final report on the AMIA bombing was published to the judicial branch and foreign intelligence services, but still remains classified to the general public.

See also


Preceded by
Carlos Soria
Secretary of Intelligence
Succeeded by
Sergio Acevedo

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