Meredith — is a surname and given name of Welsh origin see Meredith (given name). Meredith may refer to: Contents 1 People surnamed Meredith 2 Places 3 Ships 4 Other … Wikipedia
Monk Gibbon — William Monk Gibbon (1896 29 November 1987) was an Irish poet and prolific author, known as The Grand Old Man of Irish Letters . His collection of over twenty volumes of poetry, autobiography, travel and criticism are kept at Queen s University… … Wikipedia
List of mathematicians (M) — NOTOC M * M., Singhi Navin (?, ? ) * Maass, Hans (Germany, 1911 1992) * Mac Lane, Saunders (USA, 1909 2005) * MacAulay, Alexander (Australia, 1863 1931) * Macaulay, Francis Sowerby (England, 1862 1937) * MacColl, Hugh (Scotland/Britain, 1837… … Wikipedia
English literature — Introduction the body of written works produced in the English language by inhabitants of the British Isles (including Ireland) from the 7th century to the present day. The major literatures written in English outside the British Isles are… … Universalium
Oxford poetry anthologies — The Oxford University Press published a long series of poetry anthologies, dealing in particular with British poetry but not restricted to it, after the success of the Oxford Book of English Verse (1900). The Oxford poetry anthologies ( Oxford… … Wikipedia
Contenu:Australie — Projet:Australie/Liste des articles Liste mise à jour régulièrement par MyBot (d · c · b) à partir des articles liés au bandeau {{Portail Australie}} Modifications récentes des articles ayant le bandeau de ce portail… … Wikipédia en Français
Liste von Kriegsfilmen — Es ist teilweise umstritten, welche Spielfilme als „Kriegsfilme“ gelten können. Wie im Hauptartikel Kriegsfilm dargelegt, gibt es die Auffassung, nur die Thematisierung moderner Kriege rechtfertige das Etikett „Kriegsfilm“. Hiervon abweichend… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Palgrave's Golden Treasury — The Golden Treasury of English Songs and Lyrics is a popular anthology of English poetry, originally selected for publication by Francis Turner Palgrave in 1861. It was considerably revised, with input from Tennyson, about three decades later.… … Wikipedia
United States congressional delegations from New York — These are tables of congressional delegations from New York to the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives. Over the years, New York has demographically changed so that it is hard to consider each district to be a… … Wikipedia
Penguin poetry anthologies — The Penguin poetry anthologies, published by Penguin Books, have at times played the role of a third force in British poetry, less literary than those from Faber and Faber, and less academic than those from Oxford University Press. The Penguin… … Wikipedia