- Tarafa
Tarafa, or Tarafah ibn al 'Abd ben Sufyan ben Malik al Bakri ( _ar. طرفة بن العبد بن سفيان بن سعد أبو عمرو البكري الوائلي), was a 6th century
Arabia n poet of the tribe of theBakr .After a wild and dissipated youth spent in
Bahrain , left his native land after peace had been established between the tribes of Bakr andTaghlib and went with his uncleAl-Mutalammis (also a poet) to the court of the king of Hira,'Amr ibn-Hind (died 568-9), and there became companion to the king's brother. Hira was as the time a vassal of the PersianSasanian Empire. Having ridiculed the king in some verses he was sent with a letter toDadafruz Gushnasban , the Persian Governor of Southern shores of thePersian Gulf , but Tarafa and his uncle managed to escape underway.One of his poems is contained in the "
Mo'allakat ".His "Diwan" has been published in
Wilhelm Ahlwardt 's "The Diwans of the Six Ancient Arabic Poets" (London , 1870). Some of his poems have been translated intoLatin with notes byB. Vandenhoff (Berlin , 1895).References and external links
* [http://www.albany.edu/~joris/Tarafa.html University at Albany: The Mu'Allaqa of Ibn Tarafa]
*Mohammadi Malayeri, M.: "Tarikh va Farhang-e Iran" Vol. I, Yazdan Publishers, Tehran 1372 Hsh. pp. 242، 267، 291، 292، 374.
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