

A taboret (also spelled tabouret) refers to two different pieces of furniture, a cabinet or a stool.

The more popular use refers to a small portable stand or cabinet, with drawers and shelves for storage. It is used as a method to bring organization to a work area. This name for a portable cabinet is common to artists.

As a stool, it refers to a short stool without a back or arms. The name is probably derived from their resemblance to a drum (Old French "tabur").

A highly prized stool

The tabouret acquired a more specialized meaning in 17th century France at the court of Louis XIV in Versailles. Sitting in the presence of the royal family was a much coveted honor, and the tabouret was the way to do it. The court tabouret was an elaborate, upholstered stool with curved wooden legs and tassels, carried by a liveried and wigged servant. The duchess was automatically granted the honor of sitting in front of the queen. In fact, this stool became such a symbol of privilege that when Louis XIV's mother, the Regent Anne of Austria granted the tabouret to two non-duchesses, such a storm of protest was raised that she had to revoke them.


*Herman, Eleanor. Sex with Kings. New York: HarperCollins. 2004. ISBN 0-06-058543-9

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  • Taboret — Tab o*ret, n. [Dim. of tabor. Cf. {Tabret}.] (Mus.) A small tabor. [Written also {tabouret}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • taboret — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. taboretecie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} rodzaj krzesła bez oparcia i poręczy, o siedzeniu kwadratowym lub okrągłym; stołek : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Usiadł na taborecie. Wokół kuchennego stołu były ustawione taborety …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • taboret — [tab΄ə ret′, tab′ə ret΄] n. [OFr, a stool, lit., little drum, dim. of tabur: see TABOR] 1. a small tabor 2. a low, upholstered footstool: Also sp. tabouret …   English World dictionary

  • taboret — m IV, D. u, Ms. taboretecie; lm M. y «stołek, zwykle kwadratowy lub okrągły» Taboret kuchenny. Niski, wysoki taboret. Usiąść na taborecie. ‹fr.› …   Słownik języka polskiego

  • taboret — /tab euhr it, tab euh ret , ray /, n. 1. a low seat without back or arms, for one person; stool. 2. a frame for embroidery. 3. a small, usually portable stand, cabinet, or chest of drawers, as for holding work supplies. 4. a small tabor. Also,… …   Universalium

  • taboret — noun a low stool in the shape of a drum • Syn: ↑tabouret • Hypernyms: ↑stool * * * taboret, ete obs. forms of tabret …   Useful english dictionary

  • taboret — or tabouret noun Etymology: French tabouret, literally, small drum, from Middle French, diminutive of tabor, tabour drum, from Old French Date: 1630 1. a cylindrical seat or stool without arms or back 2. a small portable stand or cabinet …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • taboret — noun a) A low stool in the form of a drum. b) A low stand or embroidery frame in the same shape …   Wiktionary

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