

The Bartang is a river in Tajikistan, forming at the junction of the Murghab and Kudara Rivers just below Sarez Lake. The Bartang traces a route down the western Pamir Mountains, flowing 132 kilometers (82 miles) before becoming a tributary to the Panj at the border of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Much of the river lies within the boundaries of Tajik National Park. The Bartang is fed mostly by glacier and snow melt.

External links

* [ Map of major river drainage basins within Tajikistan]
* [ Index of maps and graphs related to Tajikistan water resources]
* [ of Gorno-Badakhshan region of Tajikistan]


*Kolesnikova, V. (April 2002). [ "Tajik Forests: What Happened to the 'Crimea Gardens' and their Inhabitants"] . "Russian Forest Bulletin": Issue 20, April 2002.

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