

League may refer to:

  • League (unit), obsolete unit of length of an hour's walk, usually equal to three miles
  • Rugby league - a full contact football code
  • Catholic League, one of several religious confederations or sports teams
  • Sports league
  • The League - Sitcom on FX about Fantasy Football.
  • The League (Internet) also listed as TheLeagueTv, internet series about two hitmen
  • The LEAGUE (nonprofit), a nonprofit, school and web-based program for service learning.
  • La Lega (song), Italian song
  • League (Inner Mongolia), an administrative division equivalent to a prefecture

See also

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  • league — W2 [li:g] n [Sense: 1 5; Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: ligue agreement to act together , from Old Italian liga, from ligare to tie ] [Sense: 6; Date: 1300 1400; : Late Latin; Origin: leuga] 1.) a group of sp …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • League — (l[=e]g), n. [F. ligue, LL. liga, fr. L. ligare to bind; cf. Sp. liga. Cf. {Ally} a confederate, {Ligature}.] 1. An alliance or combination of two or more nations, parties, organizations, or persons, for the accomplishment of a purpose which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • league — Ⅰ. league [1] ► NOUN 1) a collection of people, countries, or groups that combine for mutual protection or cooperation. 2) a group of sports clubs which play each other over a period for a championship. 3) a class of quality or excellence: the… …   English terms dictionary

  • League — (l[=e]g), n. [Cf. OE. legue, lieue, a measure of length, F. lieue, Pr. lega, legua, It. & LL. lega, Sp. legua, Pg. legoa, legua; all fr. LL. leuca, of Celtic origin: cf. Arm. leo, lev (perh. from French), Ir. leige (perh. from English); also Ir.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • League — League, v. t. To join in a league; to cause to combine for a joint purpose; to combine; to unite; as, common interests will league heterogeneous elements. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • League — League, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Leagued}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Leaguing}.] [Cf. F. se liguer. See 2d {League}.] To unite in a league or confederacy; to combine for mutual support; to confederate. South. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • league — [n1] association, federation alliance, band, bunch, circle, circuit, club, coalition, combination, combine, compact, company, confederacy, confederation, conference, consortium, crew, gang, group, guild, loop, mob, order, organization, outfit,… …   New thesaurus

  • league — league1 [lēg] n. [ME ligg < OFr ligue < It liga < legare, to bind < L ligare: see LIGATURE] 1. a compact or covenant made by nations, groups, or individuals for promoting common interests, assuring mutual protection, etc. 2. an… …   English World dictionary

  • League — (spr. Libk), 3 englische Seemeilen (Sea Miles) = 0,75 deutsche Meile; also der 20. Theil eines Äquatorialgrades …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • League — (spr. līgh), engl. und nordamerikan. Wegemaß zu 3 Miles; dann auch soviel wie Liga, Bund …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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