Web badge

Web badge

A Web badge is a small image used on websites to promote web standards, products used in the creation of a web page or product, or to indicate a specific content license that is applied to the content or design of a website. The "Powered By MediaWiki" image [http://www.mediawiki.org/skins-1.5/common/images/poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png] on the Wikipedia website is an example of a web badge.

A common-usage standard for web badges are 88x31 pixel and 80x15 pixel (also known as Antipixel [Antipixel as the first designer of this kind of badge [http://www.antipixel.com/blog/archives/2002/10/22/steal_these_buttons.html#000526] ] ) images typically in GIF or PNG image format composed of a small graphic to the left with text on the right typically using the [http://kottke.org/plus/type/silkscreen/ Silkscreen] font. Web badges may however come in any size or configuration.

Standard dimensions:


External links

* [http://www.zwahlendesign.ch/en/node/19 ZwahlenDesign, "Web Badges / Buttons"] , 2005-04-11. A thorough tutorial with an extensive catalog of examples
* [http://www.apple.com/about/webbadges/ Web Badges] at Apple Inc.
* [http://www.antipixel.com/blog/archives/2002/10/22/steal_these_buttons.html Antipixel "Steal These Buttons"] , 2002-10-22. A few examples of web-standards related badges.
* [http://kalsey.com/tools/buttonmaker/] , web badges generator tool based on Antipixel's.
* [http://www.buttonbrowser.com/main/index.php?page=buttonmaker ButtonBrowser] , Online Web creator
* [http://www.web20badges.com/ Web 2.0 Badges] , free web badges and badge generator tool
* [http://kottke.org/plus/type/silkscreen/ Silkscreen] , font often used in Web badges
* [http://www.thebuttonspage.net/ Antipixel buttons page] , many antipixel buttons in one place

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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