

DVD cover
Directed by Raghuvir Kul
Produced by Appa Dandekar
Starring Nana Patekar
Madhuri Dixit
Sadashiv Amrapurkar
Anupam Kher
Alok Nath
Music by Vanraj Bhatia
Cinematography Ishan Arya
Editing by Das Dhaimade
Release date(s) 1987
Country Template:Country data Indian India
Language Hindi

Mohre is a 1987 Indian Hindi movie directed by Raghuvir Kul. The film starred Madhuri Dixit opposite Nana Patekar, an art cinema veteran. The pair later worked together in Vinod Chopra's Parinda and his own directorial debut, Prahaar. This film also starred Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Anupam Kher among others.


Abdul is a truck driver with alcohol and depression problems so much so that he would like to end his life. One day another truck driver shows him a newspaper advertisement that offers help for suicide-ridden youth. Abdul decides to try them out and travels all the way to the countryside. Once there he is joined by four other youth, including a printing press proof-reader, Prakash Raikar; a young woman, Maya, who had been molested and hates men, as well as two other males, which include Sunil, who is gay. They meet with the person who placed the advertisement, a wheelchair-using former Indian Army Major Vishwas Sawant and his assistant, Vasu Mudaliar. Little do they know that they have been specially chosen to die by the duo, who are not who they claim to be but are actually escaped convicts by the names of Jagga and Badri.


External links

Mohre at the Internet Movie Database

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