

Ardo (or "Ardonus", possibly short for "Ardabastus", "Ardabast"; died 720/721) was "the last of all the Visigothic kings" of Hispania, reigning from 713 or, more probably 714, until his death. The Visigoth kingdom was already severely reduced in area and power due to the Arab conquests of the previous three years when Ardo succeeded Achila II on the throne.

Ardo is only recorded in one Visigothic regnal list as reigning for seven years.Collins, "Visigothic Spain", 140.] [Thompson, 251, says he is otherwise unknown.] In 716 the Arabs crossed over the Pyrenees and invaded Narbonensis, the last province under Gothic control. Over the next three years Ardo probably defended what remained of the Visigothic kingdom and he "may have gone down fighting like his predecessor" after the Arabs took Narbonne and before they conquered all that remained of the old kingdom. [Collins, "The Arab Conquest of Spain", 45.]


*Thompson, E. A. "The Goths in Spain". Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.
*Collins, Roger. "The Arab Conquest of Spain, 710–97". Blackwell Publishing, 1989.
*Collins, Roger. "Visigothic Spain, 409–711". Blackwell Publishing, 2004.


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