Gabriela Bustelo

Gabriela Bustelo

Gabriela Bustelo (Madrid, 1962) is a Spanish author and translator.

Included in the 1990 neorealist generation of Spanish novelists, Bustelo made her debut with "Veo Veo" (Anagrama, 1996), a postmodern "cult" novelette. She shares with José Ángel Mañas, Ray Loriga and Lucía Etxebarria a crisp style visibly influenced by commercial cultureadvertising, pop music, film and television. Gabriela Bustelo is one of the few Spanish women who have written science fiction. Her second novel "Planeta Hembra" (RBA, 2001), located in New York, is a dystopia on the gender crisis and a satiric overview of feminism. "La historia de siempre jamás" (El Andén, 2007) portrays the frivolity of European upper classes.


Bustelo has translated to Spanish the works of classics like Rudyard Kipling, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain; and well-known contemporaries such as Raymond Chandler and Margaret Atwood.


*“Urban Fictions/Popular Fictions: Gabriela Bustelo's Veo veo”, in "Contemporary Spanish Fiction: Generation X", Dorothy Odartey-Wellington, University of Delaware Press, 2008. []
*“'Veo Veo': Consumption and the Dazzling Diva Image”, in "Becoming and Consumption. The Contemporary Spanish Novel", Candice L. Bosse, Lexington Books, 2007. []
* 'Watching, Wanting, and the Gen X Soundtrack of Gabriela Bustelo's Veo Veo', Nina Molinaro, in "Generation X Rocks: Contemporary Peninsular Fiction, Film, and Rock Culture", Vanderbilt University Press, 2007. []
* "Contemporary Spanish Women's Narrative and the Publishing Industry", Christine Henseler, University of Illinois Press, 2003. []
* "The Cambridge Companion to Modern Spanish Culture", David Thatcher Gies, Cambridge University Press, 1999. []
* [ Article on the author]
* [ 2005 interview with the author]
* [ 'Self and the City. Spanish Women Writing Utopian Dreams and Nightmares. Elizabeth Russell.]

See also

* Spanish Literature
* Science-fiction
* Translation
* Dystopia

External links

* Spanish writers
* Neorealism (art)

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