

Sebennytos or Sebennytus (Greek: polytonic|Σεβέννυτος, Ptol. iv. 5. § 50, Steph. B. "s. v." or polytonic| Σεβεννυτικὴ πόλις, Strabo xvii. p. 802) or Egyptian: Tjebnutjer was an ancient city of Lower Egypt, now known as Samannud, located on the Damietta (Sebennytic) branch of the Nile in the delta. Sebennytos was the capital of Lower Egypt's twelfth nome (the Sebennyte nome).

Sybennytos lies nearly due east of Sais, in latitude 31° North. Sebennytos was anciently a place of some importance, and standing on a peninsula, between a lake (polytonic|λίμνη Σεβεννυτική, now called Burlos) and the Nile, was favourably seated for trade and intercourse with Lower Egypt and Memphis. The neglect of the canals, however, and the elevation of the alluvial soil have nearly obliterated its site. (Champollion, "l'Egypte", vol. ii. p. 191, seq.).

Sebennytos is perhaps best known as the origin of Manetho, a historian and chronicler from the Ptolemaic era, "circa" 3rd century BC. Sebennytos was also the hometown Nectanebo II, Egypt's last native ruler. [Bill Manley, The Seventy Great Mysteries of Ancient Egypt" Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2003. p.101]

A temple dedicated to the (local) god Onuris-Shu once existed at this location but is now reduced to ruins. The site is also known as part of the route of the Holy Family during their time in Egypt.ref|HolyFamily


ee also

*River Nile


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