

Brumaire was the second month in the French Republican Calendar. The month was named after the French word "brume" (fog) which occurs frequently at that time of the year.

Brumaire was the second month of the autumn quarter ("mois d'automne"). It started between October 22 and October 24. It ended between November 20 and November 22. It follows the Vendémiaire and precedes the Frimaire.

In political/historical usage, Brumaire often refers to the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire in the year VIII (November 9, 1799), by which General Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the government of the Directory to replace it with the Consulate.

Day name table

Like all FRC months Brumaire lasted 30 days and was divided into three 10-day weeks called "décades" (decades). Every day had the name of an agricultural plant, except the 5th (Quintidi) and 10th day (Decadi) of every decade, which had the name of a domestic animal (Quintidi) or an agricultural tool (Decadi).


External links

* [ Quarter of Year II (facsimile)]



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