XBT Client

XBT Client

Infobox Software
name = XBT Client

caption =
developer = Olaf vd Spek
latest_release_version = [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=94951&package_id=113736&release_id=479531 0.7.3]
latest_release_date =January 18th 2007
operating_system = Cross-platform
genre = BitTorrent client
license = GPL
website = [http://xbtt.sourceforge.net/client/ http://xbtt.sourceforge.net/client/]

XBT Client is an Open Source BitTorrent client written in C++.


* Automatic, fast resume.
* File queueing.
* File priorities.
* Selective downloading.
* Global keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+Q) to show or hide the main window.
* Integrated torrent maker.
* Integrated UDP tracker.
* Multi interface (command-line, graphical and web)
* Runs on Microsoft Windows.
* Runs on Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes [http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/xbtt/xbt/XBT%20Client%20Command%20Line%20Interface/ (command line, web interface)]
* Single window, multiple torrents.
* Upload rate limit.
* UPnP NAT port mapping.
* Web frontend (PHP)
* µTorrent compatible Peer Exchange.


The project used to release updates almost monthly, until 2006-May-11. Development seems to have resumed, with a new version being posted to sourceforge 2007-Jan-18. Also the [http://sourceforge.net/forum/?group_id=94951 XBT forums at Sourceforge] stay fairly active.

ee also

*XBT Tracker
*Comparison of BitTorrent software

External links

* [http://xbtt.sourceforge.net/client/ XBT Client webpage]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbtt/ Sourceforge project page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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