- Alice Dixon Le Plongeon
Alice Dixon Le Plongeon (1851-1910) was an EnglishAugustus, ca. 1875
photographer , amateurarchaeologist and traveller, who spent 11 years living and working in southernMexico andCentral America photographing and studying the ruined cities of thepre-Columbian Maya civilization , whose origins and history were at that time obscure. Together with her amateur archaeologist husband,Augustus Le Plongeon , she developed several speculative theories concerning the origins of the Maya, which are today completely discounted by modernMayanist scholarship but contributed to the emergence ofMayanism . Alice was active in theTheosophical Society and was a friend ofAnnie Besant .Her epic poem "A Dream of Atlantis" (1909-11) was published in "The Word Magazine", aTheosophy serial. She was also an acquaintance ofJames Churchward , who wrote extensively aboutMu (Lemuria). Although her interpretations of the ancient Maya have been rejected, her documentation and recording of monuments and inscriptions at several Maya sites remains a useful repository of information.Published works
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