- Equidistribution theorem
mathematics , the equidistribution theorem is the statement that the sequence:"a", 2"a", 3"a", ... mod 1
is uniformly distributed on the
unit interval , when "a" is anirrational number . It is a special case of theergodic theorem .clarify-inlineHistory
While this theorem was proved in 1909 and 1910 separately by
Hermann Weyl ,Wacław Sierpiński andPiers Bohl , variants of this theorem continue to be studied to this day.In 1916, Weyl proved that the sequence "a", 22"a", 32"a", ... mod 1 is uniformly distributed on the unit interval. In 1935,
Ivan Vinogradov proved that the sequence "p""n" "a" mod 1 is uniformly distributed, where "p""n" is the "n"th prime. Vinogradov's proof was a byproduct of theodd Goldbach conjecture , that every sufficiently large odd number is the sum of three primes.George Birkhoff , in 1931, andAleksandr Khinchin , in 1933, proved that the generalization "x" + "na", foralmost all "x", is equidistributed on anyLebesgue measurable subset of the unit interval. The corresponding generalizations for the Weyl and Vinogradov results were proven byJean Bourgain in 1988.Specifically, Khinchin showed that the identity
holds for almost all "x" and any Lebesgue integrable function ƒ. In modern formulations, it is asked under what conditions the identity
might hold, given some general
sequence "b""k".One noteworthy result is that the sequence 2"k""a" mod 1 is uniformly distributed for almost all, but not all, irrational "a". Similarly, for the sequence "b""k" = 2 "k", for every irrational "a", and almost all "x", there exists a function ƒ for which the sum diverges. In this sense, this sequence is considered to be a universally bad averaging sequence, as opposed to "b""k" = "k", which is termed a universally good averaging sequence, because it does not have the latter shortcoming.
A powerful general result is
Weyl's criterion , which shows that equidistribution is equivalent to having a non-trivial estimate for theexponential sum s formed with the sequence as exponents. For the case of multiples of "a", Weyl's criterion reduces the problem to summing finitegeometric series .ee also
Diophantine approximation
*Low-discrepancy sequence References
Historical references
* P. Bohl, "Über ein in der Theorie der säkutaren Störungen vorkommendes Problem", (1909), J. reine angew. Math. 135, pp, 189–283.
* H. Weyl, "Über die Gibbs'sche Erscheinung und verwandte Konvergenzphänomene", (1910) Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 330, pp. 377–407.
* W. Sierpinski, "Sur la valeur asymptotique d'une certaine somme", (1910), Bull Intl. Acad. Polonmaise des Sci. et des Lettres (Cracovie) series A, pp. 9–11.
* H. Weyl, "Über die Gleichverteilung von Zählen mod. Eins", (1916) Math. Ann. 77, pp. 313–352.
* G. D. Birkhoff, " [http://www.pnas.org/cgi/reprint/17/12/656 Proof of the ergodic theorem] ", (1931), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 17, pp. 656–660.
* A. Ya. Khinchin, "Zur Birkhoff's Lösung des Ergodensproblems", (1933), Math. Ann. 107, pp. 485–488.Modern references
* Joseph M. Rosenblatt and Máté Weirdl, "Pointwise ergodic theorems via harmonic analysis", (1993) appearing in "Ergodic Theory and its Connections with Harmonic Analysis, Proceedings of the 1993 Alexandria Conference", (1995) Karl E. Petersen and Ibrahim A. Salama, "eds.", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ISBN 0-521-45999-0. "(An extensive survey of the ergodic properties of generalizations of the equidistribution theorem of
shift map s on theunit interval . Focuses on methods developed by Bourgain.)"
* Elias M. Stein and Rami Shakarchi, "Fourier Analysis. An Introduction", (2003) Princeton University Press, pp 105–113 "(Proof of the Weyl's theorem based on Fourier Analysis)"
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